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Craig- wavelab analysis ?

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Craig- In your article in EQ about "cheap analyzers" you mentioned wavelabs global analysis function so I thought to direct this question to you. When I run the Global Analysis function it reports anywhere from 15 to 200 "glitches". When I focus in on these the waveform appears severly jagged for about 80 mil. sec. or so the smoothes out. What is this? Bad clocking? I dont know! Please help put my mind a ease.


Zoe // Q20



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You didn't mention how the file got in there, which could make a big difference in my reply. I'd say it's probably either a clocking issue, or a problem with something taking over your computer momentarily during the recording process. Check MSCONFIG and uncheck and programs you don't need at startup (for me, Task Schduler was the first to go, followed by Office's Fast Find).
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Heres a little history. I record to an MX 24-24 analog, pull the removable drive and mount on the computer, a PC A7M266 Motherboard, 1.2 GHZ T-Bird,512 MB PC2100. Then I import into Nuendo do the mix and then usually export the mix into wavelab and I had the problem. So I sent each individual channel out thru 2 motu 2408's into my DA-7s and recorded to a masterlink and then burned a CD24 and imported that to wavelab and still ended up with those errors. So then I did the same thing except instead of recording to the masterlink I sent the main mix out of the da-7 back into the computer and recorded in wavelab, still the same problem. Do you think that my master clock, which is the MX with all the other gear daisy chained, could cause Nuendo to get screwy?


Thanks for your help


Zoe // Q20



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