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What is your ideal post production setup?

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Hi All:


Wondering what is/would be your ideal post set up for under or around $15K? (gear-wise) I'm willing to entertain other setups than protools (like logic, etc), but please mention why you have the preference you do, etc. Also, if it is something other than protools, can it handle large projects? I'm looking at a full-length documentary.





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> Wondering what is/would be your ideal post set up for under or around $15K? (gear-wise) <


My ideal setup - which is what I have now http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif - is a computer running Windows 98 SE, with the SAWPlus32 multitracking software. Add Sound Forge for two track work and a bunch of great plug-ins, and you can come in well under your $15k budget. The SAW series is ideal for large projects like a full-length documentary. The only limitation is that it doesn't also handle MIDI tracks. But it is rock solid, and written in assembly language to squeeze as much performance as possible from the host computer.



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Hi Ethan:


Thanks for taking the time to post!


Yeah, SAW does sound like a solid program. Are you locking it to an external VTR or importing the video through a video card? If so, what video card are you using, or if it's VTR, which one?


The documentary has a good half year to be finished as it has just been proposed and accepted at first draft, so there's no rush, and not much of a budgeting constraint on the studio end, but I'm glad you mentioned a relatively inexpensive DAW.


Thanks again,



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> Yeah, SAW does sound like a solid program. Are you locking it to an external VTR <


It really is.


I used to sync SAW to my MIDI sequencer with an Opcode Studio 64x interface that has SMPTE, and it worked perfectly. Unfortunately that interface doesn't work on my current computer and Opcode is out of business, so I sold the 64x and now I record MIDI tracks as audio.


If you're considering SAW I suggest you stop by their user forum and ask others there how satisfied they are with video syncing. I know there are quite a few audio pros there who do video work too.




This message has been edited by Ethan Winer on 05-24-2001 at 05:12 PM

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Hi Ethan:


Thanks for the response...


Whereabouts do you go for SAW's forum?

Does it give you video on screen?


I've been using logic audio for these purposes, I have no complaints (except for that damn environment window http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif) and find the sync works well. However, I have never done a large project on it and others tell me they'd be apprehensive...


I like pro tools, though not for midi and I find the cost a little outrageous, so that's partly why I'm asking for alternatives.


Thanks again,



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> Whereabouts do you go for SAW's forum?


If you go to their web site at www.iqsoft.com there's a link to their newsgroup. It's a conventional newsgroup - as opposed to web-based like this one. But if you have Outlook Express, clicking that link will automatically take you there.


> Does it give you video on screen?


With SAWPlus32 and SAWPro the video is handled by a plug-in that pops up in a window you can place anywhere. They also have SAW Studio (very expensive) which I don't have or know too well. Studio may have video built in. I'm not sure.



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