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Craig Anderton's Vocoder Project in GP in '70s

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Does anybody have an old copy of Guitar Player back when Craig Anderton had a regular column. The particular project I'm interested in was the vocoder project that appeared in the late 70s or very early 80s. I have no idea which issue it was, and a large portion of my collection got wiped out in a fire. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
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Actually the article was in Keyboard. I forget the exact issue, but Howard Jones was on the cover, so figure around 1984.


PAIA still makes the kit, I'm still pretty happy with it given the price and age of the design. Because it's only 8 channels, I optimized it more for cross-synthesis applications than speech per se. Try using drums as the modulator, for example.

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Thanks for the info! In hindsight, it WAS in Keyboard. That was during my post-adolescent idealistic mullet-sporting phase when I forayed into the realm of keyboards. I checked out the PAIA site and it's still available for roughly the same price it was back then. I'm planning to experiment with using vocoder in a country music setting (talking pedal steel). I'll let y'all know how it comes out.


Thanks again!



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Don't forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses. Everyone likes a waitress with big tips...
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