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NS-10 amp recommendations, fixes?

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I have a Tascam PA-20 MKII amp which just recently started making a slight buzzing noise in its hardware... The problem does not seem to be anything obvious (from what I can tell, there are no fuses I can replace, and the manual tells me nothing about maintenance). The sound of the buzz is driving me nuts when I try to listen to things at a quiet level.


I could try putting the amp in the closet, but I have a feeling this might be the beginning of the end for this amp... So I'm on the search for a new amp to power my NS-10s.


Any suggestions on models I should look at? I'd like to get something which is quiet (like my PA-20 used to be http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif ), reliable, and doesn't cost a whole lot of $$$.


If anyone has any suggestions on what I might be able to do to fix that dang buzzing noise on my PA-20, that would be great too http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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if all you need is a straight wire with gain, try a crown d75 or d150. you can pick either one up used pretty cheap these days, and they last forever (there's avcouple of d150s on ebay right now for about $100 ea). im still using a d60 i got in 1974...


sunridge studios

salem, oregon

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Before you throw that amp in the trash or give it away, it sounds like the power supply transformer windings may be causing a mechanical buzz noise. If you feel comfortable opening it up, and the transformer isn't a sealed type, you can shove a thin sliver of wood between the transformer windings and the core to quiet it up. A round type toothpick has worked for me. Good luck and give us a report.



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The NS-10's go really well with a Yamaha amp from their HiFi range, it's called the AX 396 or similar numbers. The AX series is the same all over, it only changes the wattage and features added, but the pre and final stage are the same, very clean and with a DVD direct signal path which is the one you wanna use. The 396, in particular, is very appropriate because it will dreive 60 watts on four speakers, so you can perfectly match the NS and also another pair of monitors similarly sized. It will only cost you $ 130 or so I believe, it's extremely quiet, clean looking and definitely better that their P-2040 unit.
Max Ventura, Italy.
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Originally posted by GY:

Before you throw that amp in the trash or give it away, it sounds like the power supply transformer windings may be causing a mechanical buzz noise. If you feel comfortable opening it up, and the transformer isn't a sealed type, you can shove a thin sliver of wood between the transformer windings and the core to quiet it up. A round type toothpick has worked for me. Good luck and give us a report.


It *does* sound like the buzz could be caused by that... It's an intermittent buzz -- it'll go on for 20 minutes or so, then stop for another 20 minutes...


I'll need to track down a toothpick and see if that does the trick.


Many thanks to everyone for their suggestions and ideas! This forum is great... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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The amp is now fixed. I didn't need to resort to the toothpick method, as the hum was coming from the transformer windings pressing against the top of the unit.


I put the power amp on the floor by itself (it had previously been underneath two other pieces of gear, not rackmounted), and is now silent.


Thanks for the suggestion, GY... You just saved me a lot of $$$! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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I'm glad that was the problem. I've experienced that transformer thing many times before. I'm glad that I was able to help.


Good luck!


This message has been edited by GY on 05-17-2001 at 12:00 AM



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Ack! I spoke too soon... The buzz is back! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/eek.gif


I did open up the amp earlier tonight and saw that the transformer was sealed, so the toothpick thing probably would not work for this particular amp...


Well, at least I know it's probably nothing serious and the amp probably isn't dying... Perhaps this little puppy will be headed towards the closet with the computer to cut down on noise...

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