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I still use an Atari computer for sequencing in my studio.

Why? because I put the record on and play with my synthesizers samplers etc. (cubase)

The whole point is that I think the most computers and sequencers are too good. You have to think a lot before you can play .

If you have an idea you almost forgot what to do because you have alot to do and before you know you are editing etc etc .

You can make effects plug ins etc etc .

It is just like films .

The story does not say anything but the effects are great.

The technic rules us and we forget the story.

The humaninterface is not working well.

I do not want to say that I am a great composer but I want to say that the human interface to computers is not that good.



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Ataris were great machines, as long as it works keep using it!


I've always wanted to see software with different levels, like video games. If you clicked on beginner, you'd have just the basics, and very simple user interface.


I also have some other ideas about user interface, now if only I can convince some companies to implement them....

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My Atari ST is still going strong ( although the monitor is not so great) & Dr.Ts KCS is still the best MIDI manipulator/analyzer I've seen. Not that I do much MIDI any more - but it's still a great tool when I need it. I wish the automation on the Mackie d8b was as easy to figure out.
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