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I think music...

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Originally posted by hiraga:



So thats what you're smoking. Some coke sprinkled into a joint makes me feel like an ancient astronaut taking a slo-mo stroll at the speed of light among the aluminum palm trees and stainless steel ziggaruts on the moon, but rocks just make you want to buy more rocks- it's like a capitalism pill. No, thanks.


Wait a sec...oh, MUSIC rocks! Why yes indeed it does.


Music also swings, bounces, swanks, throbs, jiggles, explodes, pulsates, undulates, vibrates, groans, moans, rattles your bones, elucidates, frustrates, compensates, heals, squeals, makes you feel justified for spending too much money on your wheels, and it's nice to listen to.


Silence rocks, too.



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>>>also swings, bounces, swanks, throbs, jiggles, explodes, pulsates, undulates, vibrates, groans, moans, rattles your bones, elucidates, frustrates, compensates, heals, squeals, makes you feel justified for spending too much money on your wheels, and it's nice to listen to.


WOW...small world...I used to date her too! Wonder where she went...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I can't see the Man in the Moon anymore.


Some people see Cain killing Abel-I can see Cain quite clearly (like an Assyrian bas-relief, standing stage right, facing stage left) but Abel is just kind of a blob.


I feel disoriented, but I would never dis the Orient, because Eastern music ROCKS!



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