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If You Think Loops Are Evil...

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...then check THIS out:




Interesting, especially after I just spent a few hours constructing a bitchin' flute solo out of samples.


Virtually yours...



This message has been edited by Curve Dominant on 05-06-2001 at 03:11 PM

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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"People are fine with fake now," said Andrew Niccol, the writer, director and producer of "Simone," a movie-in-progress, due out from New Line Cinema next fall.




"Adult audiences are willing collaborators in the ruse, readily entering into what Mr. Gibson has called a "consensual hallucination" with characters who often are little more than the cyberequivalents of Barbie." NY Times


ohhh, this is so sad, funny, ironic, tragic, sickening, inevitable, and scary...


... and absolutely EVIL!


Thanks Curve for pointing this out... when's the first digi-pop star?



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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For the NYTimes, Craig? They may want you to register as a member, because they have forums, too. It's a great site, though, so it would be worth the trouble. I check the New York Times On The Web every day, first thing. It's my cyber-window to the world. I just checked the link, though, and it works here. It's a phreaky article about virtual models, actors, popstars, and television spokespersons. Good thing for me that those virtual popstars don't write music yet...YET!!!


Craig - I promised to send you a tape, and I'm going to try to this week, and I'll include the track with the virtual flute solos. I'll send it to Dan, too, and you guys can share your impressions with the class. Here's a teaser: if the floutist who played the passages that I sampled heard the track, he would NEVER guess that it was his playing, PERIOD.


Virtually, curvedominant.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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The William Gibson novel "Idoru," referenced in the Cnet "Singapore" link above, is highly recommended...





"If the machine produces tranquillity, it's right."

---Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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I registered, and I read. Not surprising, really, and a big improvement on Jar Jar Binks .


Also checked out the Ananova.com site (the newscaster who looks like a Spice girl). Much more Max Headroom-ish, the voice in particular sounds very speech synthesized.


I can just see what happens when Barbie.com swings into gear with a computer-generated Barbie.


My concern is what happens when humans realize they cannot attain these surreal levels of beauty? Do we get a worldwide inferiority complex? And what happens when mechanical devices can reason...


I think tomorrow is already here!

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Originally posted by Anderton:

I think tomorrow is already here!


Latency, Craig, latency!

tomorrow was yesterday...




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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