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Woohoo! Got my SONAR!!

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Hey folks, I was having kind of a crappy day today and then around dinnertime this evening the UPS truck arrived with my SONAR package! I'm psyched! I haven't installed it yet but I'm sure I will be doing that later tonight. But wow, it's got a real manual! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif I've been perusing it pretty heavily and it looks like some of the features are VERY cool!


So, once again I'd like to thank everybody for their votes that made it possible for me to win this thing. It looks like it will help me a LOT in my composing and arranging. And of course I'd really like to send a big thank you to Craig for getting the contest together and for hosting this forum. Where else would anybody actually appreciate my ramblings? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif Craig, I frequent all the forums here and several others on other sites, but this one remains my favorite. It seems like ANYthing is up for discussion here, and I just love the breadth of topics. I think that's a real reflection of your own personality, because you wear so many hats and really like it. That, and you participate so much in the discussions. You don't just start topics or answer people's questions; you really get involved. I feel like I know you and all the "regulars" here really well, and I'm sure everybody else who participates feels the same.


Well anyway, couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw some kudos your way, and kudos to Cakewalk too! I'll be sure and let everybody know what I think about Sonar, and I'll probably have plenty of dumbass questions too. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif



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Congrats Lee,

I feel I can share in the celebration knowing you will encounter all the bugs related to the upgrade, come to a resolution and tell us all about the workarounds & fixes. (If you look at the text closely, you can see the word, "guinea pig" in there somewhere...) http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


have fun!


In two days, it won't matter.
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Congrats again Lee!


Again, thanks to Craig and MOTU and Cakewalk. Tres cool!


Lee, would you please let me know what you think about Sonar? I'm thinking about adding it to my arsenal, and you know how much I value and respect your opinions. Also, please feel free to let me know if you have any questions regarding locking it up with your AW4416.






Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA



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