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Great program on PRI

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This afternoon, I heard an excellent program on a public radio station. It's called, From The Top, and it's basically a recital by teens who excel in classical music. NO, WAIT!!! Keep reading!!!! It's not BORING! It's done in a fun, funny, and lively way. The host is a pianist who accompanies the kids, but he has kind of a Bob Newhart-style deadpan sense of humor that keep the audience in stitches. This week, they did a skit where one of the kids pretended to interview George W. in a Saturday Night Live fashion, plus they discussed a farsical 12-step program for parents who are too pushy with their musician kids. All very fun, and the kids were absolutely PHENOMENAL!!! They sound like professional soloists.


If you have a Public Radio International member station in your area, you should check out this show at least once. The also have a web site:



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