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Korby U-47 FET Tube Modification & Korby Mics

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Has anyone here had their U-47 FET turned into a tube mic by Korby Audio Technologies? Or does anyone have either of the Korby mics? I think there are two, and one is a large diaphragm tune mic.


I've been wanting to get my U-47 FET serviced and modified for some time. The question is how intense a modification? In this case, they are talking something pretty thorough. I don't know if the idea behind their modification is to make a U-47 FET "into" an original U-47 tube mic, or if it is simply just adding a tube pre-amp to the mic that sounds good, yet doesn't particularly make it sound like the original U-47. Frankly, I don't know if I care... I only care that if I get their modification, I want a very workable mic for my situation. After all, I could get a tube mic for the cost of the mod. I note that U-47 FETs are worth considerably more now than when I purchased it, and that is another consideration. Will this mod make it worth more, less, the same? That's really not my main concern, though. I'd just like to know if anyone's had any real world experience with it or knows someone who has, and who wouldn't mind giving their opinion.


Thanks!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif Oh, and here's the URL for the KORBY folks:



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You know, as much as I love Craig's forum, I have not had much in the way of conversations regarding high end stuff like this on this forum - usually you get more action with a topic like this over on Roger or George's forum.


I have not tried the Korby stuff, but have heard good things about them, so I'll be interested in seeing what others have to say. e supposedly makes and mods several things, including clones / "sound alikes" of such in demand mics as C12 ELA M 251 and U47's.



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA


email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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Originally posted by pokeefe777@msn.com:

You know, as much as I love Craig's forum, I have not had much in the way of conversations regarding high end stuff like this on this forum - usually you get more action with a topic like this over on Roger or George's forum.



Me, too. Actually, there are several Forums here that have been very helpful or interesting. I might just repeat this query elsewhere, though, in case there are some people there that have firsthand experience with this niche situation, but only visit one or two forums. I hadn't considered that, so thanks for beinging it up. There are a couple of mods I could go for *IFI I decide to modify my U-47 FET, and this one costs too much to go for without hearing from some happy campers (so to speak). http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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