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CDBaby's list of comments on where people heard of a CD/artist they just purchased

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These days, a full 1-OUT-OF-20 buying customers at CD Baby, when asked where they heard of this artist whose CD they're buying today, are answering "Napster".


CD BABY QUESTION, AT CHECKOUT: "Please take a minute to tell us where you heard of the artists whose CDs you are buying today."


SOME EXAMPLE RESPONSES FROM BUYING CUSTOMERS AT CD BABY IN JAN/FEB 2001: ---------(Yes these are word-for-word cut-n-paste. Not edited.)




friends and Napster


From a friend that lived in the same home town. Got the song off of napster.




i heard about OAR from a friend, downloaded the mp3 from napster and bought both CDs. nice.




i heard bout young bo from someone at napster then they told me bout cdbaby and i had to have it. i heard 1 D.A.P song from napster and wanted it.












My friend told me to download crazy game of poker on napster. I did and I liked what I heard so I decided to buy a couple of yourCD's.


Napster Internet and some friends in Rockville Maryland




i heard your song's on napster after a friend told me about you and bought the cd right after i heard you.








Found Abercrombie on Napster then spent some time browsing your page. Get me the stuff quick 'cause I am diggin' all of 'em.


Heard crazy game of poker somewhere here at school at clemson univ., downloaded some more songs from napster and decided to pick up the CDs




Napster & friends


NY Power Pop homepage, Napster




My Fraternity brothers and then Napster.com






Beleive it or not, These CD purchases are inspired by Napster, the great Online music tool that allows me to find great new artists. Not that i actually found any of the songs from GRYN: our new earth or TUNGHOOK: mechanized, but in suport of independant musicians i wanted to come and buy some great new music! The Internet has made it possable for me to find your music (that i probably never would of heard). Then when I get the music, and all my friends hear it..im sure they will want to buy some too. Thanks -J Hayton


On Guitar paper and Napster


accidental typo on napster...


someone mentioned them on a posting board and i downloaded some of their songs off of napster.




UD Homecoming and Napster


i love their music and actually stumbled upon it on napster...i think napster made them huge at my school..










My friend's friend downloaded one of their songs on Napster (Crazy Game of Poker). I liked it and downloaded more songs. Because they were all good, I decided to buy the CD.




Friends told me to download songs from Napster.




i heard of them from a friend and on Napster








From a friend and then downloaded a couple songs from Napster.


Napster and discussion groups on Queensryche.com


From Napster


I first heard their music at a friends house at university of dayton and downloaded a few songs from napster. Now i want my own cd's


from someone on Napster


I actually accidentally got a song off of Napster, and now I fuckin love OAR.


Napster, New Artist Program.


Loud Family mailing list and Napster.


from napster




napster- friends


Smitty's, A bar in Warrensburg, Missouri. The bartender waspalying a CD that he burned from Napster. Since that day we've bured lots more oar and make them play it every night.






i got your name from a link to new folk artists on the net. then i got the perfect mp3 from napster and loved it.


Napster, and I have a cd burner, but Im still buying them. I love you guys, U KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!




I 1st heard their song crazy game of poker from a friend and then got some of their songs of Napster. After that I was hook and needed the whole cd. Its just flows so much better if you hear the whole cd.


on napster


one of my friends from austin tx. played it for me. He found it on napster, i think. i love it!!!


my friends, they came to concert here recently, napster




From napster and my friends here at school.


Napster, I want to support them by buying their CD and not ripping it from the net and burning it.


heard OAR on a friend's napster download and in some bars in Iowa City on a jukebox.




I heard of OAR during my first semester of college on Napster!


I got a song off of Napster, and downloaded a bunch. I wanted the real thing, and I wanted to let the artists know I really love their shit! And I only hope to see them playing out in Iowa City soon.


I heard about OAR from my friend and i downloaded crazy game of poker on napster. i couldnt find their cd in any stores though. but im glad i can order it now. :-)








A friend told me about O.A.R., I download a few songs off napster and here I am. Come to Cleveland more often!!!


Napster. I would never have heard of OAR if not for Napster.




through a friend in St. Louis, and then another in NC, then napster








from the show jack & jill; a few other songs are up on napster and excellent, so i thought i'd buy


Mostly from Napster.


My friends Laura and Katie had seen Edie play at a concert in the San Franscico area this year and played the CD for me, I fell in love. I also downloaded the song August off of Napster and it confirmed that I HAD to have this CD!!!


I first heard about OAR from some friends and then downloaded from Napster and really liked what i heard so I thought i would purchase the albums. Cant wait for some new stuff!!!!


My friend let me listen to a burned CD he had of OAR once and i really liked them...when i got napster, i downloaded almost all their songs and I had to have the CD so i could bring them wherever i wanted to go


highly recommended by users on amazon.com, not that that means anything. dredg sounded interesting, so i downloaded some songs with *evil* napster, and am now buying the album...can't wait to hear the whole thing!




Through my brother at college, also through the web and napster.




Melissa Ferrick show in Boston last weekend. I learned about this place, and that Napster is evil. Great show.


from napster


Friend, and then downloaded some of their music off Napster.










A friend of mine at CU Boulder told me I had to hear 'em. So I checked out Crazy Game of Poker on Napster and liked it.


The Onion AV Club, and then downloaded some of your songs from Napsternow I want the whole CD




My sister told me about them. I got the songs on Napster. The CD is a present for her for Christmas




napster! they are great!


Friends who found them through Napster


My friend that goes to school at the University of Iowa said he saw you guys in concert, and he told me to check you out on napster, so i did. And I ended up loving your music, it's very original, and it's just an overall great sound that puts me in a good mood every time i hear it. I started asking around my campus(university of oregon) if anyone had heard of you, and the only people that had for the most part were from the east coast, so i have been trying to put the word out.




from tv shows... napster.










One of my friends accidentally found them on napster up at KU and now everyone i know is obsessed with them. we love them, and they remind us a lot of phish but i like them more!


Through friends and on napster.


Having listened to Oar on Napster, they're awesome, and I had to buy the CD!


I use the Napster Discover program. It highlighted the group




on napster




Napster, College buddies


my friend grabbed a few O.A.R. songs from Napster, and I liked them quite a little bit.


i heard them on a cd my friend had then i downloaded some of their songs on napster and i thought they were really good.




I heard the music through Napster, then did a search for the band and found this site. I live in Seattle so I can't see finding this band through any other means, but the internet.






Found them on Napster, Now I'm hooked


My sister got a song off of napster and i thought they sounded pretty rad








Napster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now I am buying two of there CD's!!!!!!!


A Cincinatti area DJ was playing their record while I was their for the JCC Maccabi games. Two Napster downloads later and I am buying the CD. Please play Detroit sometime




Via Napster


I met someone at a party who told me to check out OAR, and I listened to some of it on napster and then off CD baby.




Through the Duke's Men of Yale on Napster. Went to their site to find out who the soloist was for




Napster and themselves


looking for music, finding the site www.cdbaby.com/group/indiegrrl and via napster.












the almighty Napster!!!! now give me my damn CD!!!! (just kidding.... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Read about it on theprp.com, downloaded a few tracks from napster.






Napster KICKS ACE!!!You guys rock


I am getting Big Sir's album because I heard their song Lisa's Theme on Napster!


Napster. So I am personal proof that napster exposes for the good of the artist.


NAPSTER!!! i loved lisa's theme and sonically it was all envy making lol, i look forward to getting the album.




MP3.com & Napster.


Napster's 'New Artist' section on their website.


NAPSTER! Search for Samoa, came to cdbaby 2 buy














By association with Flux Capacitor; sampled on Napster.






off of a friend's napster




Napster and




My friend told me about Melissa Ferrick so I checked some songs out on napster and liked them instantly so now I'm buying the CD!!!








i was sent an email by the folks at LunaSea Records. also, i have heard them on napster and really enjoyed their sound.




Napster Napster Napster


on napster, i've known of them for years and i procrastinated for months to get this album.


My friend who moved here from Baltimore a year ago. Started downloading the songs off Napster and bought the albums when i finally found a place to buy them. Make more and i'll keep buying.




My friend talked to your drummer online. So i got your music off napster.


Downloaded off Napster, then read about on Indiemonkey.


Recommend by a friend on Napster. Someone had it and shared it. totally fell in love with this album. I have to have it.


I heard it through this site and it's listening capabilities... I showed it to a friend of mine and we started to download the songs from Napster. We couldnt get enough. so I had to get a copy. - Chris Handy


off napster... sorry, but hey, i'm buying the cd!


Napster Hotlist


Song downloaded off of Napster!


Napster, They where a featured Artist, very good stuff


Believe it or not, Napster.




Already knew Ron Thal, but didn't know about new album until I heard a few tracks downloaded from Napster.


friends in CA., theprp, napster


A few friends of mine in my dorm found them on Napster, so I downloaded and loved their music.


I can't get enough of OAR. I heard friends of mine singing and I was hooked. My napster list is filled and I've been searching for information everywhere. I can't wait to get these CDs and I'm making roadtrips to see them play. I've got all my friend's hooked. OAR is musical wonder.


heard about dredg from a link on a website and heard the music using napster.


from the ben harper website and downloads from napster


Read about jack johnson through surfer magazine, talented guy, really good heart felt music that I can relate to. Checked out a song from napster, knew I had to support his music! Found Forest sun on this site as a


Word of mouth, Ben Harper fans, GLove CD. Napster


big ben harper fan- checked out jack johnson on napster to see what he was all about before he opens for ben's upcoming concert.




Napster, and I have looked in every CD store around NC, looking for an OAR Cd , and there are none








You guys are pretty big over here in Montana. Especially at the University. I think most of it is because of Napster. But who knows. I love your music and so do a lot of other people. You guys should think of doing a show over here sometime.




I heard them on Napster, and as soon as i receive this album, i will have all of their studio albums and a couple of live ones as well. O.A.R. rocks!!!!


a friend, and napster






G-Love's album and Ben Harper concerts and Off of Napster programs








I heard about Ms. Court on a Kate Bush website, downloaded a few songs from Napster and mp3.com - and I liked it, so...


Heard Crazy Game of Poker on Napster, and fell in love with it.


friends than napster


Off of napster. You guys rock and please play a show on the west coast




CDBaby.com for samples, Napster for extended sampling. What I like, I buy.




some one was playing them at abercrombie and so i downloaded some songs from napster... i liked what i heard so here i am buying the cd








I got some songs off Napster and loved them so I bought the cd. Jack Johnson is awesome!




I've seen you guys play all over Cincy for a couple years now and didn't have a chance to go to the cd release party. I've heard a couple songs on Napster and like them a lot. The sound you guys have created and molded into is great.




I heard Rodeo Clowns on Philadelphonic and some other songs from Napster






At their website...first on Napster I think! I love your songs though, ive heard most of them already and they're great, especially "Save"




Please forward this to anyone who thinks Napster is hurting musicians.


--Derek Sivers, CD Baby



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interesting. kinda proves what i've been saying all along. the problem with our society is we are paranoid of the worst in human behavior but in reality, the fans DO want to support their bands.


the RIAA needs to get their heads out of their asses and everyone else who thinks napster is bad. shame on you, you dont deserve any money. i hope metallicka goes down, they already SUCK bigtime... maybe now their "fans" will see them for the greedy bastards they really are. fuck metallicka andtheir money grubbing lawyer.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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So, sales have increased by 4% at cdbaby due to napster? Or 4% of current sales are due to napster?


What I'm wondering is if you have had an actual increase in sales which could be attributed to napster.


I still don't think napster is hurting good bands. Note use of the word "good".

Like alpha said, who wants to pay for that garbage McSelloutica has been churning out?

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Though the list above is quite an impressive list (long) in the

context of a BBS post, It's not long enough to equate to a sliver of a percentage point of the general music buying public or the general napster

using population, hence, not a strong enough set of data to praise or

persecute the use and existance of napster.


I'm not surprised that there is such a list of buyers who found music on

napster and decided to buy the CD's they liked. A large part of the population wants to be honest and of strong moral fiber. But again, a sampling of just the good and conscientious component of the issue isn't

gonna offer a true look at the playing field.





William F. Turner

Guitarist, Composer

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Derek's comments are interesting - yet, everyone I have personally talked to that uses Napster tells me, "I'll never pay for music again!"


I've seen interviews on television news reports and the people they talk to say they'll never pay for music again.


To my knowledge, Napster hasn't sold a single CD for us and yet we find our music on their service all the time.


People are in the mind set that music is produced by companies - NOT musicians. It certainly doesn't hurt the record companies, only the self produced artists that can't promote their stuff on traditional media - i.e., 'the little guys'.


But if Napster's run away, there will be a dozen more like it to take it's place.


Von from ONOFFON

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This is just more anecdotal evidence, but Napster has definitely increased the rate at which I purchase new CDs. I just cannot rely on the radio to introduce me to new music anymore, and I live in San Francisco! Bay Area stations are boring, schlocky, unimaginative, and pretty much all alike.


Here's what I've bought in the last 6 months, thanks to Napster: the Doves, Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, 2 Lone Swordsmen, Boards of Canada, the Herbaliser, Photek, Coldcut. There's not a snowball's chance in hell Live 105 has the balls to play any of this (despite being the station that used to break new music to the world.)


There are several reasons Napster could never replace buying the real deal for me. First, I want to support the artist. Second, I like having the packinging. Third, I only have broadband at work. Lastly, MP3 sounds like sh*t.


10-15 years ago, the RIAA reaped billions when consumers transferred their collections to compact disk. I guess they'll have a hard time selling us on 96/24 DVD audio if the average consumer can't even hear the difference between MP3 and CD!

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Oooh...our good submarine friend has brought up a good point. RADIO SUCKS. Did I mention RADIO SUCKS? And, the reason I bring this up (like last night's bad burrito) is that RADIO SUCKS. I'm sorry. I know it's unlike me, but this is a real sore point for me. RADIO SUCKS RADIO SUCKS RADIO SUCKS BI-IIIIG KIELBASA!!!! Whew, I feel so much better.


If radio was doing its job, there would be little need for Napster...well, perhaps arguably, but, any given radio station has its limited "safe" playlist of about 20 songs that they rotate...and the rest can go to hell. But, any scheme which plans to put music in the hands of the people where it belongs, and take it out of the hands of corporations that want to spoon feed the public musical gruel, gets cut down. If radio was doing its bit to expose people to groundbreaking (rather than wind-breaking) material, the public's curiosity would be aroused to the point they'd be actually BUYING new CDs, rather than hunting for their favorites on Napster. Sorry for the rant.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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>>>10-15 years ago, the RIAA reaped billions when consumers transferred their collections to compact disk.


Not to mention the windfall in gained by issuing "Remasters" . Christ I've baught all Rush , Yes , Genesis and many others three times by now. When the DVD thing comes out I won't make that mistake again. They should view it as a software upgrade. Bring in your old copy, and $5 and get the new version...Dirtyrottensuszabitches. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/mad.gif

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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You made me think of something I've been saying all along. RADIO SUCKS. And I also think RADIO SUCKS. Those 20 damn songs drive me bonkers, too.

One must remember, though. Radio IS doing it's job. It is selling products/services in the most effective manner. The best way to convince purchasers of ad time that they are going to get their moneys worth is to show them that we play what has the best chance of getting people to listen. Well, it gets me not to listen, but am I one of the people that is mindless and lets the media tell them what to think, buy, listen to, etc...? No.

They aren't concerned about getting me to listen. They know I'm not easily convinced by slick advertising. If I was, I would be one of the people who was happy that they keep playing that stupid song over and over and over, enduring that same stupid commercial over and over and over, so I could hear that same song over and over and over...

Radio is about selling ad space, not playing music. Same with TV and any other form of mainstream media. You have to appeal to the widest common denominator, which obviously rules out any diversity or originality at all.

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Re: Metallica and their anti-Napster stance. Barring all the legal nonsense, if a band doesn't want to have their music strewn all over the internet via Napster, should their wishes be respected? Is this even an issue?


BTW, haven't liked Metallica's music since pretty much anything after "...and Justice For All". This is being mentioned only since sometimes taking a somewhat "anti-Napster" stance when discussing Metallica frequently results in an emotional knee-jerk reaction of, "Oh, must be a big Metallica fan."



Ken/Eleven Shadows/d i t h er/nectar


music*travel photos*tibet*lots of stuff

"Sangsara" "Irian Jaya" & d i t h er CDs available!



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There's no doubt more CDs have been sold because of Napster.


There's also no doubt people who would have bought CDs downloaded them for free from Napster and will never buy the CD.


The question is: which side is ahead?!?

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