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source for cables?

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Now that I have accumulated a rack full of gear for my new PA system (most selected in part thanks to the advice from some of you guys - thanks)


Now, I am having trouble finding cables to hook it up. For example, between several of the components, what is required is just a mic cable, XLR to XLR, but the shortest I can find is 3'. If I connect all six of the XLR connections using 3' cables, I'll have a huge mess (nest?) behind the rack. I have catalogs form many of the mail order houses, and have done some google searches for "custom cables" etc, but no dice. Most short cables I've found are 1/4" or RCA only.

Anyone have a good source for 12" to 24" cables? I'd rather not make my own.



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Good luck finding custom lengths. The usual approach is to make your own. Lots of companies (Belden and others) can sell you the "raw" cable, and you can get connectors just about anywhere, but I'd suggest staying away from Radio Shack's - they're not the best stuff IMO.


If you can't solder, find someone who can and ply them with food, beer, wine, whatever it takes (but wait until after they make your cables until you give them any beer - hot soldering irons and beer don't mix http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif )


You can always learn how to solder yourself, but I'd recommend getting pretty good at it before making cables for my own system if I was you - otherwise you're asking for more trouble than that "rats nest" of black spagetti.



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA


email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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