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Recording Workshop

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> Does anyone know anything about the Recording Workshop in Ohio? Is it worth the time and money?<


My wife went there many years ago and she loved it. I realize this is outdated info http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif but I've never heard anything negative about them. Maybe someone else here has a more recent experience to relate.



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I did a seminar out there a couple years back on digital mixing, and it was a very attentive crowd. The neighboring area is not exactly downtown (don't expect any after-hours raves, if you know what I mean!), and the school itself is short on flash and BS but long on practical knowledge. I don't think they promise they'll get you a job, but they will give you an audio education.


Call the school and ask if you can speak to some of the students.

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I'm a Workshop grad, and I interned there for awhile, and I've never had a better educational experience.


Its a very short course, but the fundamentals are there for those who want to learn them. The administration is extremely careful to provide a knowlegable, enthusiastic and positive staff. All students get very personalized, hands-on training, and there is a huge alumni network that can be tapped for career support. Its way out in the hills, so on the first day you get the theme from Deliverance stuck in your head, but once you get over that, its like rock and roll summercamp.


I'd be happy to answer any further questions by Email (suremann@main-net.com)



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The kids that have come to our joint to work from there are better than the kids from the other schools. They seem to not blow as much smoke up the kid's ass that he [she/it] is going to walk out and 'sit in the chair', nor working 'shoulder to shoulder' with the first string team.


Unlike Full Pail, the Berklee Pool of Mucus, etc...the attitude is quite a bit more positively aligned, the ability to pay attention to detail a bit more refined, the skill of 'shut the fuck up and observe' seems to have been properly defined.


The kids from U-Mass Lowell also have these kinds of positive skills, with a bit more depth in the area of "why". The MTSU kids run hot and cold, though I've met more that are good than sucked. The Pheonix one has only turned out one kid I've met that wasn't a total waste of time, U of Miami has a good football team, but I've never met a "graduate" of that program I would hire. They seem to make an art of pretention.


Like anything, you get out of it what you put into it. Funny, seems that the places I mentioned that turn out better kids have like zero (or near zero) nightlife...coincidence? Probably not.





Mercenary Audio



Mercenary Audio


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