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buildng low/high pass filters?

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Hello Everyone!

I'm involved with the never ending search for MORE INFORMATION!! I would like to experiment using low/high pass filters, yet I would like to build a couple. I've read into a couple of sources, but I can't seem to find a definate design for an "active, adjustable low/high pass filter with a 12db slope". I know this may seem elementary, but I like to know why and how circuits operate so I can fully understand how to use them...to the fullest! HA!

Anyhow, any help would be a blessing!

Keep up the great conversation!!

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Check out the Op Amp Cookbook (Howard W. Sams) and any of the Don Lancaster cookbooks (I think his "Op Amp Filter Cookbook" would be most appropriate). Some of these are old, but look around. Also, data books and applications books from companies like Texas Instruments and National Semiconductor are a wealth of schematics for basic circuits such as you describe.
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> I would like to experiment using low/high pass filters, yet I would like to build a couple.<


Besides Craig's good advice, I suggest you look at some of the articles on my web site:



There are schematics with explanations for many audio devices such as equalizers and active filters, crossovers, and so forth.



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