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Edit your audio like MIDI- Melodyne


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Anyone heard of this? This looks like pretty exciting stuff, if it works:


"Melodyne extracts notes from any monophonic audio material. So it detects the melody of your recorded music tracks and gives you access to editing the pitch, the timing, the formant, the intonation and the amplitude of each note separately. An included high performance audio engine allows you to change all these attributes for more than 20 tracks in realtime."


Shown at the website is an editing window for the program in which audio for a track is displayed in graphical format by note, allowing mouse editing of pitch, time, and timbre (formant changes).


Wow. Looky here:




*(heh,nope, I'm not an employee or principal of the company, I just found this and haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else)*


This message has been edited by LyinDan@aol.com on 01-26-2001 at 04:51 PM

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I saw Melodyne at NAMM and it's simply incredible. No artifacts to speak of. Amazingly musical technology. I hope Craig got to see it. I took many friends by the booth and they all had their jaws hit the floor when they heard it.


A MUST HAVE. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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>>I just found this and haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else<<


It's mentioned prominently in the "Tell me Somthing About NAMM" thread, and yes, it does exist. Its operation seems nothing short of miraculous.

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