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Studio sense..

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Hi there,

I am in the process of setting up my own project studio and need some assistance in the physical setup. Could someone advise on an effective way of placing the keyboard, console, monitors (do I need a pair for mixing and a pair for playing ?)etc.


Tx in advance,



Sydney, Australia

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There are so many questions we would have for you. .

Main instrument ? Keyboard? Sequencer based recording and programing?

Console? Monitors?


I would say just make everything comfortable for long hours. Make sure your chair is high enough off the ground so your knees are below your hips but feet flat on the ground.

The computer keyboard should be low and easy to reach. Monitors big and easy to see, speakers equidistant on left and right and ear level.

After awhile you'll figure out a place for everything. . be creative. Build your own custom shelves, racks, desks. . etc. That way you'll be sure to have what you need and save some money in the meantime. Good luck.



Tiny G

Tiny G
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A couple of random tips:


Try to keep other objects (such as racks of gear on tables) away from the speakers, as they will cause slapback echoes that will color the sound.


Place your mouse pad where you'll be able to get to it without stretching out your arm. If you have to stretch, sooner or later you'll develop severe shoulder pain.


--Jim Aikin

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