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help with info on the sound engineering industry?

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i have a project that i really need help with

it is due in on monday the 8th.


outline the activities of the following segments of the sound engineering industry.


broadcast sound [tv radio]

film & video sound

public address [conference]

public address [music]

recording studios

theatre sound

sound equipment hire

sound equipment manufacturing

industry organizations

- industry associations & guilds

- collection agencies

- trade unions


if you could help out by sending me a link to

a site or an article about any of the above i'd really apprieciate it.

matt@hatchard.com or just reply


thanks a lot



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Originally posted by matt@hatchard.com:


i have a project that i really need help with

it is due in on monday the 8th.


You also have a serious need to find the "Shift Key", it's the one that allows you to make capital letters. After you've found that, you might try looking for the library.


What makes me think this assignment wasn't handed out an hour ago, and maybe you been slagging just a little bit?



outline the activities of the following segments of the sound engineering industry.


Do you want that outline in chalk? or Sharpie?



broadcast sound [tv radio]

These are the people that make it so you can hear shit coming out of your TV, or your radio.


film & video sound

These people all work for George Lucas, Todd-AO, or Soundelux. They make more money than the rest of us, but don't get to snort coke with rockstars


public address [conference]
These people have one of the most boring gigs known to humans. They have to sit through bored meetings and make the presenter [usually someone like the CEO---who has all the charm and charisma of a dead person] louder.


public address [music]

This is the fun gig where you get to ride around from city to city in a big bus with 8+ other guys that smell bad. You get to do basicly the same show every night for the fans in each and every city in the world. On good nights, you get a blowjob after you promise to introduce some cute girl to the lead singer. On most nights you get back in the bus and go to the next city.


recording studios
This is where the records are made. This is where people sit around for hours on end waiting for the drugs to arrive...they play some music while they wait the drugs to arrive, it's often recorded, then turned into a CD which you can buy, or an MP-3 you can put on the internet so anyone who wants to can steal it. Sometimes groupies come by and give everyone blowjobs, especially if you promise to introduce them to the singer.


theatre sound
This is like music or corporate 'public address', except you have to watch the same play every night [if I had this gig for CATS, I would have undoubtedly hung myself].


sound equipment hire
This is where you rent shit to people that need shit. There are many catagorys. There is sound reinforcement equipment, which would be like public address, but sounds cooler if you call it sound reinforcement. There are also "rentals" to recording studios. This is when the people at the recording studio need to make the record label people think they're doing something other than drugs and getting blowjobs, so they rent some additional equipment for the session. Then the record label gets the rental bill, thinks people are working hard to try to make a recording, and leave them alone. They can then do even more drugs, and get even more blowjobs...it's and excellent scam!!!


sound equipment manufacturing
These are the people that make shit so that other people can buy shit, sometimes so they can rent the shit to other people that either need the shit, or are trying to look busy.


industry organizations

"There are no industry organizations" Tony Soprano


- industry associations & guilds
These would be like NARASS, also known as Michael Greene's magic clubhouse. This is so people will give Michael money so he can be on National Television with Michael Jackson once a year. There is also the the RIAA, they're the shitbags who are really fighting hard to get stuff like Napster shut down, so you can't steal music in your dormroom anymore.


- collection agencies
They go get the money that's owed to the people that publish the music, and then actually give some of it to the people that write and perform the music. They're hunting for you right now because they know you downloaded a song from the internet only 2 hours ago. Don't answer the door unless you have a special/secret knock worked out with your friends...otherwise it'll be someone from ASCAP, BMI, Sesac &/or Harry Fox wanting their fucking money...and you better fucking have it...am I clear on this?


- trade unions

These are the people you have to pay off to get anything done. Find the 'shop Steward', give him a case of Johnny Walker Black. Then you can start to talk about what else has to be done.


if you could help out by sending me a link to

a site or an article about any of the above i'd really apprieciate it.


I'll bet you would...





Mercenary Audio http://www.mercenary.com


Mercenary Audio


Roscoe Ambel once said:

Pro-Tools is to audio what fluorescent is to light

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Could you give us a clue about what kind of stuff you're looking for? Do you have any idea how broad your question really is?


You can build a small library trying to answer your question, because of the way it's phrased.


What is your ultimate focus? Then, maybe we can help!

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Thank you to everyone who replied.

I didn't only get this an hour ago, your right, but i've had a lot of other stuff to do.

I wrote out exactly what the question said so

I guess I need a paragraph or two defining

what each of them do exactly.

Is there a guide or anything on the net which

covers all of them?

Any more useful links would be great.


Thanks a lot,



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Fletcher's post cracks up those of us who have been doing this for years in a professional capacity (and I've had paying gigs in items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8) because even though it might come off as pretty harsh and sarcastic, there's a lot of truth in it.


My suggestion is, take what he said, do a bit more research and expound on it a bit - but take out all the drug and sex references unless you have a prof who is 1) very hip (rare) 2) or willing to face reality (even more rare).


If you have specific questions regarding one of the fields I've worked in, please ask and I'll see if I can help.



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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Thanks for replying, I particularly need some info on Film & Video sound, Public address (music) and the industry organisations.


What are the responsibilities of a sound engineer working on a music P.A? What kind of equipment too.


What is the most common piece of sound equipment that is hired? If you were in a studio what kind of thing would you need to hire?


Ok, thanks for helping and if someone could help me with the above questions that would be great.



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I can help you a little with film, soundtracks, and, live PA. My firm has done a lot of that work since we openned in 1976.


For live PA, the most common rental element is a microphone, and, something to plug it into.


For music PA, the job is make the performers sound good! Eguipment ranges from a small PA head in a tiny space, to tractor trailerloads of stuff for a major site.


For soundtracks, the business end is as important as the music etc. For major projects, it takes as long to make everything legal, and, get the paperwork in place as it does to record the tracks. Also, the fun part is syncing the sound to the visuals. They have to work together! Neither element is a standalone. It's a different method of production.


Fletchers observations are all too true. He's been there, and done that..it shows!

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