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Britney, 'N Sync Do the Right Thing!

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Given the vitriol directed toward these pop musicians over in the "What the Hell is Wrong with Magazines" thread, I thought you might find the following quote from the militant newsletter "Rock and Rap Confidential" interesting:


"Hipsters like to dismiss the likes of 'N Sync and Britney Spears as beneath contempt. Yet information recently released by the Screen Actors Guild reveals that both of those acts donated significant amounts of money to commercial actors during their very bitter strike against the advertising industry."


Good for them.

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Originally posted by Anderton:

Yet information recently released by the Screen Actors Guild reveals that both of those acts donated significant amounts of money to commercial actors during their very bitter strike against the advertising industry." Good for them.


Nigel Tufnel Voice: ON


"Is this a joke?"


Gosh, that Britny and N-Sync are such humanitarians, what with all of the starving and emaciated hollywood actors having to sell their Bentleys, and even resorting to having to buy food at Taco Bell... I feel so... wrong... for merely thinking of her as a well sculpted example of female anatomy.. (sob, sob...) Finally, FINALLY someone in power realizes that out of work actors are much more important than animal shelters, disaster relief efforts, or even the common plight of rampant infant blindness in third world countries... Thankfully the money has gone where it is truly needed! It's great that none of these artists are allowing their own future career plans outside of music influence their tax donations. It's a wonderful world. Sigh.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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...and here, I thought the post would say something about how they were each going to call it quits, or at least work very hard at establishing their own identity, their own sound, put something creative out.


i must be high.


i'm with Chip on this one...

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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FWIW, both these artists were allegedly among those who filmed their commercials during the commercial actors' boycott. Elizabeth Hurley also did so, and was fined $100,000 by the SGA, after being threatened with expulsion. Another major actor/arist, can't recall the name, was fined 50,000. Some reporters questioned the lack of fines levied agaist BS and NS.


I'm not saying that Brit et al aren't humanitarians, just that there may be a lot more to it. Hip? Nah...


Steve Sklar/Big Sky


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>>Gosh, that Britny and N-Sync are such humanitarians, what with all of the starving and emaciated hollywood actors having to sell their Bentleys, and even resorting to having to buy food at Taco Bell... <<


Average salary of a SAG member: $5,000/year. Most commercials are NOT filmed using Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis, etc. as actors; these are the "people-who-wait-on-tables-while-hoping-for-a-break" type of actors.


Now, maybe 'N Sync and Spears contributed the money as a pre-emptive move instead of getting fined, I don't know (although I don't recall seeing them doing filmed commercials for the Gap or whatever). But one thing that impressed me was that this info didn't come from their PR machines, but from SAG. Reminds me of Springsteen...he contributes tons of money to causes, but you never hear a peep out of him. Compare to Sting, who gets as much "I care" mileage as possible out of the whole rainforest thing.


So dis 'em all you want, but they put their money on the table and "gave some back" to the industry that made 'em happen. Are he needs of actors living in the wealthiest nation on earth, who have problems because of a career choice and a political situation rather than being a particular religion or race, less important than providing humanitarian aid to starving countries? Probably. But we already have mechanisms in place for dealing with poverty, hunger, etc. I'm willing to encourage ANYONE who gives up what's theirs to help someone out.

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i cant speak for others but i have given thousands upon thousands to musicians of my time and money to help them along in their quest.


i know quite a number of SAG members and the average annual salary you quote is more than most musicians yearly earnings with major label deals.


put that in a pipe and smoke it.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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As have I. The more, the better (even if they have fake boobs).




True. But the actors were not able to work because they were supporting a political action, not because record companies are lame. Hey -- maybe it's time we got better organized...

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well im not all into unions. actually not a fan of them at all, i mean i get what the point of them are and on levels they are good but for every thing that is good, there is always the downsides that result. im damn impressed hollywood can really get a movie made with the unions, especially within some budget. its a tough choice. i know some of those actors worked on independant films during the "strike" so didnt have to abide by the non-work issue.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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I dunno...ya'll are comin' off like a bunch of frustrated old playa hatas, doggin' Britny & the boys. There's room for all kinds on the team, but not everyone gets to play quarterback. Get over it.


Actors would be screwed without SAG & AFTRA. Anyone who says otherwise don't know jack sh*t about the film industry. I personally saw Philly-based actors waiting tables at joints in my hood during the strike, and my girl turned down several TV commercials during the strike. But it's over and settled now; solidarity pays off in the long run.

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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Originally posted by Curve Dominant:

Curve...I agree. lot's of my family have and do work in the film industry, and just like the music biz it's NOT the little guy that runs the budgets up. I say good to anyone that hepls anyone.

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"ya'll are comin' off like a bunch of frustrated old playa hatas"


man, that is just getting real old. there isnt a team at all to speak of. those people [n'sunk, brittany, hackstreet noise, et al] plain suck, for real. its the whole evil of capitalism. there isnt a damn thing creative about it. its all researched, prefabricated bullshit.


music should be about art plain and simple. its okay though, they can have their 15 minutes cause nobodys gonna give a rats as about them when its over except for maybe a VH1 where are they now special.


This message has been edited by alphajerk on 12-28-2000 at 10:47 PM



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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I'm all for anyone helping out a good strike! As for Britney and NSYNC I think your all doggin the wrong people. Creed must die! I mean the Britneys and NSYNCS of this world are what they are at least they're not bad commercial rock bands trying to play it like they're not going for a hit.
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I'm all for anyone helping out a good strike! As for Britney and NSYNC I think

your all doggin the wrong people. Creed must die! I mean the Britneys and

NSYNCS of this world are what they are at least they're not bad commercial

rock bands trying to play it like they're not going for a hit.


Great point. The above mentioned artists play pop and are proud of it. They aren't poseurs.

On the other hand, the rock spectrum is filled with pukes who claim to be real.

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To all those who think there's no art in writing a pop song - when you have a spare minute, please write a tune that will cause one million or more people to buy a CD, then send me the proceeds. I mean, if all you have to do to be filthy rich is write a calculated, formulaic song or two, I don't see why more musicians don't take a couple hours off and write a few hits so they can be set up for life.
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I DO think there's "art" in writing a pop song - hey, there's "art" (not to mention big bucks) in engineering a nuclear weapon too, but I have always refused to take on software contracts for those as well. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


Seriously though, it isn't just about whether you CAN write a good pop song; it's also about who you know. Maybe I could write a calculated piece of crap in a couple of hours that would sell millions - IF I could get it into the hands of the right people, namely a well-connected producer, manager, band or record label. THAT process would take a lot more than a couple of hours, and frankly, I'd rather try and make my millions on something that I can be proud of than invest a lot of time peddling myself to people I certainly wouldn't want to work with on a regular basis. I mean, I know LOTS of industry folks, but none of them have worked with N'Sync.


I do think many of the folks who write and produce pop records have talent, but what I don't get is why they have to waste their work on such untalented "artists". Surely they can find boys and girls who are cute and can actually SING well and maybe even play an instrument. I mean, the Beatles did it. Hanson does it today. I understand the allure of an attractive young person singing a catchy tune, but Britney? N'Sync? Really!



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You need to look at who the majority of the buying population is for these artist - kids, teenagers and people in their early 20's.


Play a song to a 8 year old by the artist you think is the most talented and then play a song by that of Brittney or NSYNC. Everytime, they'll pick the later.


I agree 100% with Craig! If I could craft one fabricated pop song that would earn me millions, I would do it! That money would provide me with a nice ass studio in which I could sit all day and write songs that mean something to me. And of course, money would never be an issue - now that's being a true artist.

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im with lee on that.


"I mean, if all you have to do to be filthy rich is write a calculated, formulaic song or two, I don't see why more musicians don't take a couple hours off and write a few hits so they can be set up for life."


because success isnt measured in how much money you have. some people out there want to ADD to the human existance, not take away as these entertainers do creating an even more souless existance. they are as bad as the walmarts and kmarts [which is where most of their music is sold] providing the world with more worthless crap. to write inane lyrics with a 1/64 beat kick doesnt take a whole lot of talent. add a porn star lip syncing to it... yea, thats how i want to make a million dollars.


music should NOT be a commodity but a religious experience where money gained is through tithings and not mass marketed enforcement.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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People are quick to knock these Pop acts, but in my opinion a vast majority of people working in the industry prostitute themselves every single day.


Here in NYC, there's many so called "rock" engineers, who constantly slam pop,hiphop , whatever styles, yet they work on these gigs, cause they need the money. This, to me, is prostitution. If you don't like something, or somebody, then don't take the gig, simple as that.


I'm sick of Bands/acts, who say that they don't want the fame/fortune, or that they never asked for it. Then why the hell do these type of bands try to get a deal in the first place? Why not make 10 cassette copies, and pass it out to their friends, and be content with that ?


This is the music business, and a labels job is to sell as many Cds as possible.


Sure, some of the lyrics in these "pop" songs are contrived & not too original, but the same could be said for countless other acts in other styles/genres. Almost everybody is ripping somebody else off, whether they admit or not.

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"Hipsters like to dismiss the likes of 'N Sync and Britney Spears as beneath contempt. Yet information recently released by the Screen Actors Guild reveals that both of those acts donated significant amounts of money to commercial actors during their very bitter strike against the advertising industry."


Honestly I think that the meaning of Craigs post has been left to the wayside for a discussion on how we view these artists and their talents which have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. The initial idea was to display there generosity and support for those that needed it, especially when they werent obligated to do so. What they did for the guild was a true selfless act and a very generous gesture, regardless of talent or artistic abilities and for that I applaud them. When is the last time you handed over big bucks to help out fellow artists?



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To all those who think there's no art in writing a pop song - when you have a

spare minute, please write a tune that will cause one million or more people to

buy a CD, then send me the proceeds. I mean, if all you have to do to be filthy

rich is write a calculated, formulaic song or two, I don't see why more

musicians don't take a couple hours off and write a few hits so they can be set

up for life.


One word: Integrity.


I make music because I love music. Period. I could care less if I ever make one red cent from my music.

Music is my religion (I hate that word). I have no desire to be the Jerry Fallwell of the music business.


Music must come first. If money or the desire to be a star, or any other crap is the reason someone is making music, than it isn't true.

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The angle of my sarcasm was that I doubt there was humanitarian motives behind their actions. Britney and the like realize their ride has a limited distance.


For such "music" acts, it's not like they're likely to be content trying to write music for the rest of their lives, or to musically "bend with the wind" (ala Madonna).


They're thinking "Jennifer Lopez" or "Mark Wahlberg". Likewise, they're building bridges for *their* future, not striking actors who had to (oh gosh) wait tables (like a lot of average people on the planet).


The notion that the bottom end of the scale of the SAG makes only $5,000 a year implies that somehow, for some nebulous reason, they *should* automatically be making $20,000+ or some such. As if, somewhere there's some poor sod who is working under hot lights 14 hours a day, 7 days a week - and that's all he's getting. Or conversely, someone who *isn't* working many hours at all is thereby getting only the paltry $5,000 for his/her services - which would be their own choice, and they no doubt would have another source of income.


I know of more starving musicians than actors, I don't see any money coming from the above mentioned sources to help either one...


This message has been edited by Chip McDonald on 12-29-2000 at 01:55 PM

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by Anderton:

Given the vitriol directed toward these pop musicians over in the "What the Hell is Wrong with Magazines" thread, I thought you might find the following quote from the militant newsletter "Rock and Rap Confidential" interesting:


"Hipsters like to dismiss the likes of 'N Sync and Britney Spears as beneath contempt. Yet information recently released by the Screen Actors Guild reveals that both of those acts donated significant amounts of money to commercial actors during their very bitter strike against the advertising industry."


Good for them.


In a world where 35,000 children die EVERY DAY due to starvation and disease, one need not look very far to find a charity more deserving than striking Hollywood actors. Actors - who by the way are ultimately striking out of self-interest - can park cars and wait tables. The world's poor don't enjoy these alternatives. If we're going to rate entertainers on the extent their social conscience, we can at least choose a metric that means something. Have they donated to CARE or UNICEF, or perhaps Diana's charity that funds minesweeping?


That said, I'd like to address the vitriol issue. Teen idols are not likely to advance the cutting edge of musical artistry, but they obviously fill a need that the public desires. If musicians and critics think that their product is crap, that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have yet to see an absolute measuring stick for "good" music other than that good music is music that makes you feel the way you want to feel. Lots of fourteen-year-olds who don't give a hoot about Mozart or Ellington love Ricky Martin. What's wrong with that? Wasn't it the kids that first flipped over Sinatra, Elvis, and The Beatles? Those acts are now highly respected.


Make your own music, and let others make theirs. If they want to sugar coat theirs with a heavy dose of "image" to boost record sales, that's their prerogative. Nobody complains when fast food joints sell low quality product in order to maximize profits. Some of us consume this product regularly. Teen idols are the fast food of the music business. Fast food doesn't steal customers from the finer places, so why should gourmet cooks waste precious breath berating Big Macs?

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