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tos link routing

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as mentioned previously i am using adat's, da7 and frontier cards. what type of routing scheme can be used to make all this work without having to unplug tos link cables. any suggested hardware. i have looked at z sys, midi man, etc but have not come up with a system yet. any help appreciated much.
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I'm also looking for a Lightpipe patchbay of some sort. I'm using a Yamaha AW4416 W/ 2 ADAT lightpipe cards, a pair of LX20 ADAT's, and a ADAT PCI card, and it SUX having to reroute the ADAT's (or Yamaha's) lightpipes into the computer by hand to do some transfers / edits.


If anyone makes such a beast, I have not heard of it. I THOUGHT Fostex made one, but from what little I was able to find about it on line, it looks like it's only optical S/PDIF, not ADAT.


It MIGHT be an interesting DIY project though. Maybe Craig or someone could design it and we could build our own. I'd like one with a few selectable 9 pin sync jacks too, but that's probably asking for way too much.


Anysuggestions are welcomed on routing TOSlink.


Thanks everyone!


Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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>>as mentioned previously i am using adat's, da7 and frontier cards. what type of routing scheme can be used to make all this work without having to unplug tos link cables.<<


Do you want to be able to route anything to anything, or do you have a fairly consistent setup, like mostly playing back from ADAT and not using a hard disk recorder? Or do you use the computer only for editing?

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I don't know about Bishop1, but what I'd like to be able to do is to flip a switch and have it re-route TOSlink i/o's from either my AW4416 or an ADAT to my ADAT PCI card without having to crawl behind two different racks to do it manually. The 9 pin jacks would be nice too. Anything out there that can do that?


If I had to, I can switch MTC routing with a different user preset on my MOTU interface, so I COULD use that for code instead of the ADAT 9 pin, although that's not going to be single sample accurate on the transfers. Even just the TOSlink patchbay would be an improvement over the current situation.


Any suggestions gladly welcomed.


Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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Electronic Musician has an article on digital patchbays in the December 2000 issue. Some interesting products are listed. Check it out.


Hope this helps you.


Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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