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Looking for opinions folks. First time I d/l it, it crashed my computer. Had to re-load everything. I did a disk image backup and tried it again tonight. They've done some bug fixes and I just D/L the new version. Opened and played just fine.


Anyone else tried using this? Whaddaya think? I'd love to see some discussion on the benefits of PT vs. Vegas or any other multitrack programs.


As usual, thanks for your input!


Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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Yeah I D/L the first version and it crashed my puter too. Tried to open a file and down she went. Found a way to avoid that and got it going. Looks OK, just like the others, was amazed it didn't handle stereo files as interleaved but split them. Mixer reminds me of the logic one. Didn't like the EQ and FX layout but suppose you could get used to it.

Don't know what all the fuss about P/T is all about, it's just another one.


Think I'll stick with Nuendo as it was specifically written for windows and has more right click windows type options plus I prefer the mixer and FX section.



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Just crashed my machine as well.


It seems curious that it very very careful about what audio it "accepts" - 44.1/16k or 24k sessions only and exclusively (which is fine if you've been doing that all along)... No file names longer than 31 characters (?)...


I got it to run, and was having fun with the srubbing feature - then it froze. The really interesting thing was that my power button wouldn't shut my computer off....


Annoying PT interface, but I liked the response of the scrolling (while it worked)... It's annoying how many hoops you have to jump through to start a new session. I also noticed that it doesn't default back to your last working directory when you restart it - which is different for Windows programs, interesting...


Maybe I'll fool with it next week if I get the time... but it seems too crashy for the moment.

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I downloaded the PT free file but see it requires Mac OS8.6 to run - I'm running 8.51 right now.


I've thought of upgrading to 8.6 so I could check PT out and put to use but with so many reports of crashing, I think I'll stick with 8.51 since I've no problems.


Besides, I'm a DP user and have no real need to use PT , so I hate the thought of changing my system for just one program to work.

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I have not tried the Mac version, but they did some bug fixes on the PC version and it now works just fine for me. THIS time I did a Drive Image backup just before installing it just in case, but I didn't need it. The best backup is one that you have multiple working copies of and don't need, right? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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Originally posted by Anderton:

So has ANYONE managed to get this working? I'd like to put it on my PowerBook, but you guys are scaring me!


I do know from a few people already that the MAC version works. Digi has many more years of development behind it....


As for the PC version, I know of NO ONE who has NOT had some kind of problem with it. At this point, I would not touch the PC version with a ten foot mic stand.


Should run fine on your powerbook.

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Originally posted by miroslav:

Just goes to show you...nothing is for FREE, you always pay a price!


I thought it goes to show that writing for Windows is another whole new trip, as Steinberg discovered.


I got the ProTools to work and it looks very good and was quick and responsive (at least their demo was) but I'll wait a bit before embarking down that road.




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I have PT Free loaded on my Powerbook, (Wallstreet G3 292/128/8) and it works just fine. I would like to get Digigrams VX Pocket for better I/O, but evidently there are issues that are keeping things from working properly, and both of the "Digi's" are pointing fingers at each other as to why.



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Originally posted by wormhole:

I DL the file and it ran fine first try (of course i ran it in OS 9 all + digiinit). It should run fine on your powerbook but I would create a specific extension set for it.


It's also running fine on my Powerbook. It's nice being able to do vocal comps on the airplane.



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It ran the first time on my PC just fine but man this thing is resource heavy,heavy screen redraw ect.I don't think they ported over DAE to the PC with any sucsess yet.Digi even admits companies like Cakewalk have a good 10 years on them in the PC arena and that it's going to take them time.Oh well.
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If Cakewalk has 10 years on them Steinberg must also have at least 5. They were very late getting into the PC, something they may regret. BTW I now have an iMac with OS 9 (on loan from a friend) It reminds me of my Atari http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif



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>>They were very late getting into the PC, something they may regret.<<


Actually they did a product for the PC called the "Session 8" over 10 years ago. It was ahead of its time, and it was a commercial failure, perhaps in part because Digi didn't know how to promote to the non-Mac market. Just a piece of trivia from a lifer in the industry...

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Craig, I guess I must be a "lifer" too, because I remember the Session 8.


I think Digi's big problem as well as a major positive for them is that they make everything - software and hardware. That's great for insuring compatability and for making sure there's plenty of DSP horespower available, but it also prices them out of a large portion of the potential market and limits the usefullness of their products for those of us who prefer to use other components in our systems. I've got GOBS (technical term!) of DirectX plug ins that would be next to useless if I went over to using PT as my main software. I'd hate to have to buy RTAS or TDM versions of everything I already have. Standards can be a good thing. Okay, sometimes a bad thing too, but remember the pre-MIDI sync methods available for synths? CV's and gates - arrgh!


Steinberg, Sonic Foundry, Emagic, et al make software that can run with almost anyone's hardware. Sure some of those companies make hardware too (Emagic) but with the newest super fast computers I think Digi would be wise to offer a native version of PT that could access more than 8 audio tracks and use any MME PC audio hardware, and was DirectX compatable. Heck, if it was a grand or less, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


I know about the Digi 001, but I really don't need the hardware. I wish the software was available by itself and that it worked with MME and DirectX. Until it is, I'll probably just stay with Logic Audio Plat. and Vegas.




Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com

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Glad Craig is back.


PT Free 5.0.1 v2 is ok for me. I have a Gateway Solo 650Mhz/PIII, Win98, Yamaha sound and synth cards, 2 ATI video cards, etc.


I loaded and started up with no problems. The only gripes I have are not PT related, but clock related.


I have used it to edit a few projects. I have the real PT 5.1 w/24 ch of 24bit I/O, and no I wouldn't every use Free for a paying gig! But that is because my PC is too damn slow, needs massive amounts of RAM and is limited in the I/O section.


Free is great for a hobbyist.

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