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I hate when this happens (m)

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Bought one of the first Bass Pods earlier this year. It turns out that the firmware has a LOT of bugs in it - the most grievous of which (to me anyway) is that the MIDI port behaves like a paperweight for SysEx transfers. Therefore, I can't use the SoundDiver patch editor.


Anyway, I wasn't too worried 'cause I had some contacts inside Line 6, one of which promised me a new firmware chip as soon as he could lay his hands on it (Line 6 has been trying to rev the firmware for months now).


Well, I found out last night that my friend of a friend got let go with most of the marketing department. Yeah, I know my problems pale in comparison to his (being let go a week before Christmas), but still... I'm left holding this swell paper weight with a dead MIDI port.


Side bar: Apparently very few Line 6 users actually use the SoundDiver software. An informal survey of half a dozen guys I know yielded ONE who uses the patch editor function.

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Well that's good information. I am about to get a line 6 for guitar, actually sold my old Jazz Chorus 120 last night to finance it, and have not heard of this. Is the firmware problem with the bass pos only?


Sorry to hear of any layoffs at this time. I thought they were selling a million of those things, why are they getting rid of poeple?


-David R.

-David R.
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My Pod works just fine with the MIDI port and Sounddiver, so don't let that stop you from checking one out. I love mine, and to get the BEST sounds out of it, you'll want to tweak the presets or develop your own patches. SoundDiver is great for that.


Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA http://members.aol.com/ssanctuary/index.html

email: pokeefe777@msn.com




This message has been edited by pokeefe777@msn.com on 12-23-2000 at 01:36 AM

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