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Bomfactory MAS/RTAS plugs & Peak

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I'm relatively new to DAWs so take this with a grain of salt.


I've been working with a Digi 001 for several weeks now, and, while I've been totally blown away by the improvement in sound quality (I'm coming from years of cassette 4-tracking) I am not impressed with the quality of the DigiRack plugins that come with the system.


Yesterday I downloaded the Bombfactory classic compressors and I am (if you'll excuse the pun) completely blown away! It is a radical improvement over the compressor and limiter Digi makes. I will be buying it within a week.


The down side is that they eat CPU (as RTAS). I simply use the Audiosuite version. Once you hear a vocal track treated to the LA-2A you won't want to hear it any other way. Same with bass.


In short, when a company makes products this good (and lets you try them for free) we as a community should support them. By the way, I have no affiliation with Bombfactory, I am just very impressed.


My $.02



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