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FYI: New forum starting

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FYI to our friends in France, Quebec, Belgium, Switzerland, many parts of Africa and the Caribbean...


Our internationalization experiment will continue with a French language forum that I will moderate, at least until someone from a French-speaking country can step in. This will join the German language forum, and hopefully there will be a Spanish language one soon.


So, if you speak French and are currently visiting this forum, get ready to post! If you know someone who would be a good moderator, please email me.


Merci, et bienvenu! L'internet est une methode de communication mondiale, et je crois c'est necessaire d'avoir les forums en plusieurs langues.

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How many nations...? My scroll bar doesn't go down that far...




It would be good if there was some way to know what the foreign forums were posting, without hiring a translator.


I'm interested if they have similar questions and philosophical exchanges like the one going on in the "It Was 20 Years Ago Today" post?


Maybe some of you out there who are bilingual can pick out the more interesting posts and filter them into the appropriate english speaking forums?






[This message has been edited by miroslav (edited 12-11-2000).]

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Bonjour Craig


Glad yu will start a french forum.

However I must confess reading some of your threads in english is a fabulous way to learn slang american words. The one on John Lennon was very profitable from that point of view. As a french guy I'm ready to participate to this new french forum. But I will still continue reading the english one ; it's too funny and exciting ...

Bravo pour tout et continuez dans le même sens.

A bientôt




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Quotes:>>Bonjour! Je m'appel merde tete!! <<


Ca ne m'etonne pas.


That was hillarious!

Ou avez vous apris la langue?

(pardonnez moi la manque de signes mais ce sont 15 annees de ne plus l'ecrire)

Je croyais que le francais n'etait pas especiallement populaire aux Etats Unis, n'est ce pas?


Alberto Ortiz

El Closet

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Je vivait en Suisse quand j'etais un enfant. Donc, mon Francais n'est pas formidable, main il suffi (j'espere!!) pour reponder a des questions. Aussi, j'ai des amis en France qui peut m'aider.


J'ai l'occasion de parler Francais de temps en temps, par example, quand je suis en Europe. Aussi, j'ai fait des seminaires en Quebec et Monreal en Francais. Je crois c'est vraiment la plus belle langue du monde...

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