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Roland SN-700 noise eliminator and other similar products

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I'm thinking about getting some kind of noise eliminator/reducer and was wondering if anybody had any experience in these matters...


Sweetwater has a Roland box called an SN 700, which sounds good - Has anybody used this gear, or something similar, and what do you think??





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Sweetwater has just informed me that they no longer stock that rackmount because Roland has discontinued it. Doh!




Maybe something like this would be better?? - Cutting noise off at the source, rather than filtering it out, that is:




It's expensive, but it sounds like a really essential device to help reduce line noise...


Just one problem - Are standard American home outlets 15 or 20A??? It has a special 20A plug on it which means it won't fit into a standard wall socket without an adapter, which are available.


Is anybody using this box or something similar??? And what are you plugging them into??





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You're talking two different types of noises here. The Roland unit was designed for audio noise reduction, the Furman is (I believe) designed to reduce line noise. In most cases, the noise you're hearing from an audio output is not a function of line noise. However, line noise can be responsible for spikes and other problems that can scramble a processor's brains, cause memory to drop, etc.


There was a thread here on power problems that you might find useful. As to noise reduction, you're probably better off describing the nature of the problem you face so that the Sound, Studio, and Stage Brain Trust can give their usual erudite answers. There may be a better option than the Roland, depending on the problem you face.

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