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Collaborating on the net


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Just curious what everyones thoughts are about collaborating and working together over the net. Is it feasable, has anyone tried it and had good results. I'm very interested in finding out the possabilities that exist now as I don't have much access to real musicians for recording purposes.


I noticed that Logic Audio now has sites on the net that are "Virtual" studios where artists can work together on the same project. I imagine the hardest part would be getting a standard file type that everyone is compatible and can work with.


What would everyone think about trying something with all the people that hang out here?? Ya know, Curve could do some cool sequenced stuff. Alpha, Lee, Myself (and any other guitar players) could add our own parts. Invite some of the heavyweights on the keyboard, percussion, recording/mastering end to join in.


What an interesting and diverse result that would be!!!

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