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Predictions for 2001

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Anyone have any predictions about the future? Where things are going? You won't be graded on accuracy, only imagination : )


I'll start off with a couple to get the ball rolling: Napster will become a shell of its former self once it starts charging anything whatsoever.


Sales of digital tape recorders will nosedive.


Dance music will achieve a phyrric victory in the US, as it breaks through to the mainstream, but with bland, pop-oriented music that has nothing in common with the underground scene where it started.


The hold the almighty personal computer has over computing will be diluted by smaller, more efficient devices that do most of what people want, without the trappings of an OS.


Apple will come out with something that makes people not feel so bad that OMS isn't being maintained.


Apple will have a rough time selling new hardware for the next few months, but when OS X comes out, it will really put "the new Apple" on the map.


Microsoft's game machine will be a massive hit.


Okay, your turn!

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Ok, Craig, you asked for it, here comes the Italian brainstorm:


-The future of vocal processor will see the birth of "Voice Modelling", similar to today's Amp and Mic Modelling, so that you will sing into a mic and the voice of, say, Jim Morrison or Ray Charles comes out, but it's your song, your lyrics, your interpretation and your pitch. You will have banks of preset singers, or you'll be able to sample your own favourites.

I actually expect this very soon next year.


-Computers will evolve from a CPU plus monitor plus peripherals affair into a standalone fully portable unit with shortcuts for most commands and actions, a touchscreen, and immediate direct vocal recognition totally bypassing the need of a keyboard. Software will no longer be menu-driven within itself but will interact with each other and will respond to your vocal commands.

Such machines will have either a card or some preset setup for specific applications (office work, writing, audio, video, graphics, whatever).


-Memory storage will cease to be based on spinning disks; it will became a slab of some material, stiff-still, and non-volatile. The same media will apply to the audio and video industry. This form of memory will then be universal for all applications.


-Audio and Midi will merge totally as raw data to be processed within DAWs more similar to today's digital mixers than computers.


-Standalone DAWs like the Yamaha AW4416 and VS-1680 will evolve into 32 and even 48 or 96 tracks, with a full MIDI sequencer built in, able to load your favourite software in VST format, and will have a lot more realtime controls than today. They will be tomorrow's standard; you can start putting Pro Tools for auction.


-The next type of synthesis engine to appear will be "visual synthesis", where you will draw in realtime on a screen the shape of the sound you wish to achieve, envelope- and filter-wise, and proceed in the same way up until the effects. You will select from the screen the elements you wish to use (waveforms, samples, structures, ecc).


-The Internet cannot get any further now that it's attached to telephone lines, however fast and however dedicated. A satellite network cannot be done because of space debris becoming dangerous, and an airborne wave carrier would give us all cancer, so they need to integrate cellphones and the net into one global comm system.


Tired now, let's see somebody else's comments before I start babbling away on aliens and spacecrafts.



Max Ventura, Italy.
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Dave will manually open the pod bay doors and HAL will try to kill him. Dave will unplug HAL...and go zipping off through a psychedelic monolith to transport him to the other side of the universe...


(Sorry, I couldn't resist)...


The voice modeling thing...weird. Eventually we'll go through a phase of removing anything original from media. I saw a preview for a movie the other day (when I took my youngest daughter to see "Grinch") and I had to ask her whether it was a real actress on the screen...I had to look twice. It was a virtual "actress"...in some movie based on a video game. Not only will they do the voice modeling thing, but, just wait a couple of years 'til you see John Wayne starring in his first new western since his death.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Folk music will explode in popularity.


Dance music will eclipse non-dance music.


Folk-dance fusion will emerge.


World music will continue to emerge.


Afro-European cuisine will be the next big restaurant thing.


Fletcher will be positive (thanks to his wife, God bless her).


I will be productive (thanks to MY wife, God bless her).


...your smilage may vary...

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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- We'll start to see more all-in-one studios, but this time we'll find more professional features and specs -- the Pro Tools 6 In A Box, maybe?


- The next generation of the above products will feature a real working standard for multitrack file exchange (one can hope, anyway).


- Latency will become more annoying to people who want their processing NOW, dammit! In a related development, software synth users will once again discover the stand-alone dedicated synth module or keyboard (that works in real time).


- Sales of digital tape recorders will maintain current levels thanks to two things: 1) Continued computer/OS-phobia; 2) prices slashed to keep product moving.


-Radio will still suck.





John Bartus

Radio Active Productions

We Make Great Radio Happen - Guaranteed.



John Bartus

Music From The Fabulous Florida Keys




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>>Folk music will explode in popularity.<<


Interesting. I think of the current rap/dance music as "the new folk music." Replace the acoustic guitar with an MPC2000, and you get my drift.


So maybe a folk/techno fusion isn't such a strange idea.


As to the comment about in 2001 we will have a president, the American people have spoken: "None of the above" is the true winner in this election !

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Mini-discs will replace DAT and cassettes Internet radio will edge toward reliability. Public radio will be under terrible pressure from the complete merger of corporations and government.

Radical radio will move to the net http://www.outfarpress.com, home of the SHORTWAVE REPORT



http://www.outfarpress.com home of THE SHORTWAVE REPORT
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the new president will be shot [karmic retribution for the many people he had executed, some innocent, while in office as govenor] and the vice president will have a fatal massive heartattack.


all the dance kids will fall into severe depression from all the X they consumed and Blues will be the largest genre of music once again and dance music will no longer be made by people but made by an AI box that continually streams incessant crap out of it and nobody will even know the difference.


babies will be born out of test tubes and humans that naturally breed will be exiled. orgy porgy.


scientists will fire up their massive particle accelerator and create a black hole that sucks the earth and everything in the milky way into itself.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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Originally posted by Brenton Trott:

The US will get a new President http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Sorry, couldn't resist.




Heard the japanese sent 50.000 pills of viagra to Florida as they couldn't get election :-)


I couldn't resist either.


Mats N

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Anti-technology--I don't know if that is really a word..Similar to the folk music idea..Groups that are going for a more striped down sound. Hopefully we'll see the demise of the whole "boyband" thing. Do we really need another Backstreetboys? Also more integration of computer based processing into the live sector.. A group of singing aliens will have a #1 single
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>>Dance music will no longer be made by people but made by an AI box that continually streams incessant crap out of it and nobody will even know the difference.<<


I predict that attempts to use AI to generate satisfying music will fail. Not sure when that will change - if ever - but humans have the advantage when it comes to composition.

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Some more:


Dual monitor systems with flat-panel LCD displays will be the next big studio status symbol.


A hit single will be made using sounds sampled mostly from kid's toys.


Rap music will turn more toward social commentary and away from braggadacio.


EQ magazine's circulation will double.


The Alesis airFX will be a huge success and spawn other family members, like the Electribes did for Korg.

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A hit single will be made using sounds sampled mostly from kid's toys.


havent heard busta's big hit. he uses a lot of kid toys. also house of pain "jump" has a sound in it too from one of my kids toys.



i bet a AI machine can make just as lifeless and souless music as most of the dance community makes now so i wouldnt count on the human advantage.



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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>>I think of the current rap/dance music as "the new folk music." Replace the acoustic guitar with an MPC2000, and you get my drift.<<


DUDE!! You've completely read my intentions. Substitute the Korg E-TribeS for the MPC, and that's exactly what my next CD release will be. Digital-age folk music.


But I still won't ditch my Spanish guitar, or my Strat & it's accompanying wahwah pedal, for that matter.


>>maybe a folk/techno fusion isn't such a strange idea.<<


It's coming, my good brotha!

Eric Vincent (ASCAP)


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The live concert experience will continue to degrade.


More and more audience members will believe it is their inalienable right to dance in front of other audience members (obscuring their view) and sing along with every song. Anyone who wants to actually see and hear the artist will be ridiculed as an old fogey.


Prices will continue to rise ($75 a piece for Springsteen nose bleeds last year).


Concerts will become even more like Vegas acts - timed to the millisecond and scripted to within an inch of their lives.


Spontaneity and improvisation will become forgotten concepts, even derided by most audiences ("ah man, not another *jam* band").


I call this phenomenon "The Chixie Dicking of Live Music."

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24-bit samplers will appear - I'm guessing that EMU or Yamaha will offer the first one - with sample libraries distributed on DVD-ROMs. This will vastly improve the sound of sampled pianos, guitars, and orchestral instruments. Also, more samplers will be able to play direct from hard disk, as the Gigasampler does today.


A new generation of digital mixers will offer 02R/d8b features at about half the price of the current crop.


More and more high end signal processors will incorporate physical modelling technologies. High quality tube (valve) emulation will render tube processors obsolete.


Propellerheads Reason will be an enormous success.


A little further in the future, samplers will feature an artificial intelligence algorithm that varies note attacks, timbres, and levels slightly to create more realistic passages for acoustic instruments. Applications will include solo sax and violins, plus ultra-realistic hi hat and snare drum patterns (Stewart Copeland in a box).


Finally, the vintage analog sound will eventually go out of vogue, and M1's, DX7's and D-50's will be all the rage.

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T.V. production music will be looked to as the Holy Grail of recording excellence and I will have endorsement deals the likes of which have here-to-for never been accomplished. You will all hate me and talk about my sounds and how much I've sold out.


A big artist will have auto-tune key in the wrong pitch while they perform at a live T.V. event and all hell will break loose when they storm off stage.


A young group of artists will break away from the mainstream and not try and copy, or fuse, or mesh together any and all styles but will forge a new path of ideas that will influence art, literature, and music.


2001, where are the damn flying cars I was promised as a kid! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/tongue.gif



Tiny G

Tiny G
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The auto tune thing reminds me of when I was playing (a LO-OOONG time ago) in a lounge band (like, what was the Blues Brothers thing, the Murphtones or whatever, hey, it was money in the "disco hardened" 70s)...the lead singer would ask us for a reference chord for a song (G) and we'd play a G, and then he'd launch into the song. Well, one time we made like Country Joe and gave him an "F". He started singing in F, we came in in G. The look on his face...almost peed my pants laughing...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by tonemonkey@yahoo.com:

The live concert experience will continue to degrade.


More and more audience members will believe it is their inalienable right to dance in front of other audience members (obscuring their view) and sing along with every song. Anyone who wants to actually see and hear the artist will be ridiculed as an old fogey.


Sorry, but I can't let this one slide...


What is the point of going to a live concert if not to have a good time??? People who can't stand others dancing or singing at a live show should stay home and watch videos, in my opinion!

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