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web management

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ladies and gentleman,


upon reading craig anderton's column in bass player magazine about web mastering, i came to the conclusion that this is the type of stuff i want to do.i am currently about to take some web design courses.i was hoping for some ideas regarding what classes i should take in this field.i want to combine audio,video as well as the opportunity to download music from the website once its completed.if anyone can give me what details,

outlines,courses for me to learn it will be greatly appreciated. (will7189@hotmail.com)

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I don't know about 'courses' for this kind of activity...but I do know that the best 'webguy's I've met are all 'Front of House' engineers. The guy currently doing our website it also the Front of House engineer for 'Los Lobos'. George M. was telling me that the guy doing his site is with 'John Kay/Steppenwolf'...I'm not sure if he's in the band, or doing F.O.H.


There's lots of 'downtime' being an F.O.H engineer, and seeing as nobody really does drugs anymore, it seems that "laptops" are the bored man's next best friend.


The great majority of the 'art' on our site was created in the back lounge of a bus, in airport bars, hotel rooms in the middle of nowhere...etc. Apparently 'Photoshop' is a "program from the gods" .


The guy that was doing our site before was also a Front of House engineer...but left that gig to take a gig as 'tour manager' for twice the money on a larger tour. Many, many more responsibilities, so he had no time [nor did he need the money] to continue on with our site. The guy before that got a gig doing sites for Hewlett Packard...they pay *stooopid* amounts of money for those kinds of services.


I'm afraid I didn't see Craig's article in 'bass player'...but can tell you that the best 'webguys' I've met are all "self-taught".


So perhaps a good course of action is to get a gig that pays fairly well and has lots and lots of time to be bored out of your skull...you'll either figure out how to make websites...or drink yourself to death. Either way, it's something different.


Good luck!





Mercenary Audio http://www.mercenary.com


Mercenary Audio


Roscoe Ambel once said:

Pro-Tools is to audio what fluorescent is to light

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