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DBX 166XL Compression Problems HELP!!

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I have a MAJOR problem, so if you own or are familiar with the DBX 166XL Comp/Lim/Gate, then PLEASE help!

I just recently bought one of these units and just now TRIED to put it to use.

First off I am only using 1/4 UNballanced (TS) cabels with it.

I only get a mono responce (all output goes to one ear) I already know that

1. I am not deaf in one ear

2. ALL of my pan settings are fine

3. all of my cabels are fine (monster brand)


I tried putting my Boss GT-3 through it, so im going from a stereo R&L to input 1 and 2 on the DBX 166XL and from out of there to the R&L in on my mixer. I have tried setting it to stereo couple, and messing with all of the settings...still only one ear. Plus I tried just going in and out of CH. 2 on the 166XL but cant seem to get any sound out of CH. 2, and when I use only CH. one I still only get a mono (one ear) responce! Is this a messed up unit?? Or will using all TRS solve my problems? It didnt come with a very helpful manual, but it only mentions TRS, no word of TS cabels inside.

ANY USERS of the 166XL please help, let me know how you set up, do you use TS (unbalanced cabels)?

Thanks alot.

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1. Set all the settings the same on both sides - bypass / open up all the gates - switch the stereo-link off so that each side acts independently.


2. Connect your source and destination to the working side and verify that you get signal from that side.


3. Without changing anything else, remove both the input and output cables from the working side and connect to the non-working side. Make sure you don't accidentally plug in to the side-chain jacks!


If you still have no output from the second side, you almost surely have a defective box.


Using TS with TRS connectors usually just unbalances the jacks but still should work fine.


[This message has been edited by stevepow (edited 11-13-2000).]

Steve Powell - Bull Moon Digital


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Stevepow hit the nail--I did just that! Use a flashlight in back of racks, and READ the legends.

Next, don't assume the cables are OK. Get a tester, or use a VOM and check for continuity. If you have an oscillator in your console, send it into both channels, with gate open, and see if you can get it to read gain reduction. Lastly, check the manual for the console you are using and be sure that no switching jacks are involved. I have run into gear where there are two 1/4 inch inputs, and if you use the left one, the jack "normals" to both L & R for mono. When the second one, R, is inserted, it is supposed to break the normal. Maybe this is not happening. Good luck!

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Thanks guys, but the problem was inside the unit. I opened up the 166XL and the little gray flat cable (kinda like an IDE cable) on Ch. 2 was not connected. The cable is too perfect of a length, and probobly poped up when it slipped out of the box when I got it (not a major fall...a foot or so).

Anyways I just had to reconnect the cable, and now im in buisness. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif thanks for the advice though.

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