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VS1680 format conversion


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Can the file format of the Roland VS 1680 audio files be changed to AIFF with ResEdit or some other resource editor? Is there a difference in the data or only the header?

Thanks for all the inspiration you've given all of us gear heads out here.

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I don't know the answer to that. But worst case, you can always record a 4-count click across all tracks, then send each one out as analog audio into a computer that can either record or save as AIFF. Line the tracks up in your hard disk recorder by using the 4-count click.


I know it's better to transfer digitally, but even the analog outs are going to be pretty darn good.

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If your sound card has S/PDIF inputs you could do thetransfer digitally coming out of the VS's digital outs,but you'd have to do it two tracks at a time.Come to think of it,if your card has MIDI in you should be able to sync with MTC using the VS as master.This way the tracks should be in sync from the get go,but you'll still have to do 'em two at a time.IF you recorded the original tracks in MAS (linear)mode,they should already be compatible,but if you used ant of the MT (compressed) modes,they will have to be converted.
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