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Any of you drummers have a on going problem with the sound of your bass drum! I have a set of YAMAHA POWER 4 about 10 yrs old and hate the sound of that bass drum 24 inch.Have tried every concievable combination of blankets/towels/pillows/one head/two head/various tunings of the two or one/duct tape/etc.Sometimes go to sit down and relax to play and begin and the sound of the kick is so BAD Ill get up to screw around with it and 10 minutes later(and up/down from my throne 33 times Ill throw down my sticks and UTTER "screw this #@!!%*!.Happens a lot.Man if that bass drum sounded cool Id play all the time because for me its keeping my chops up AND a way to kinda meditate...any suggestions?
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Definitely get a drum you like!

I swear heartily by calfskin on 28" and 32" drums, and if you heard it you'd know why.

It depends what kind of music you're up to though- which is?



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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  • 4 weeks later...

You need a Evans ROCK head. I think they quit making them in the 80's. Call the company and tell them you want one ... they won't help you out, but maybe if enough people (or just one famous) ask for it then they will rerelease.


Best 24" head ever!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Crowbar,


let me ask a few questions:


1. What kind of sound are you after? (to begin with)

2. what kind of mallet do you use?

3.what kind of pedal tension?

4. How high in the pedal is the mallet? (Yes, this DOES effect the sound.)


I do some fairly unorthodox things when it comes to drums, but i get a lot of compliments on my drumsound.

Generally, I tension the kick heads with just enough tension so that the hardware doesn't rattle. It's low...REALLY Low, but it's like a kick in the gut!

I use Full heads.

I do use a pillow in each kick drum, but I'm using 28" Kicks.



I was using resonant heads with holes in the bottoms, but the pictures on the website are over a year old.


So, answer the questions I asked, and I'll try to help you out. Since I built this new kit, I've been a Tuning fanatic...I have spent days just tuning, and retuning the kit...just to see what I could get it to do, and that has been one of the best moves I've ever made, because it gave me a much better understanding of what my kit was capable of producing, and what tensions and head combinations sounded good on my kit.



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Now ... simmer down!


JaxMetal is correct. It may be several factors working against your bassdrum sound.


For example, I find that the best sound for me is the Remo Powerstroke head with a Remo Falam patch and a DW bass drum pillow. This has to be combined with a red wood Danmar beater. I have tried dozens of other combinations, but nothing compares (in my estimation) to this combo.


Try different combinations ... less you resort to the voodoo ritual of sacrificing your bassdrum via bonfire to the great drum gods!



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