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Fender Bridges


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Hi guys,


I would just like to say that fender bridges are very s**t indeed.


I got a standard j-bass for xmas, everything about it is very sound, great tone, smooth, easy play-a-billity. Very happy, until you look at the bridge. Were do i start.


Well apart from having to adjust it every time you play it, the saddles cant actually take the weight of the string, they collapse on one side. Every single time.


In addition to this, the strings dont actually line up with the pups, fender must have something wrong with the measurments, because the saddles are cut way, way off there proper position.


Its so flimsy and everything wobbles and moves about even when you just stand up. Its very upsetting indeed, the bridge on my squire for gods sakes is way better than the fender.


When i get around to getting the cash ill probably get a BadAss II shipped over from the US. That will probably be a while yet though. Im not gigging recently so theres no 'stuffing with tissue' kind of things as a temporary sulotion.


I was wondering if any one had any other recomendations for a good bridge under £50? $100?


Thanks, Harrison

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Harrison, I'm not sure what your problem is but there is nothing wrong, IMHO, with Fender bridges. They have used the same bridge (basiclly) for over 50 years.

I feel you are setting it up wrong, you should not have any of the problems you memtioned.

The string alignment is set up for the Neck, not the pickups.

You should not have to readjust the saddles frequently. The bridge on your Fender Std. Jazz is the same as the Squier bridge. Do you have the same problems with your Squier?? If you want a heavier bridge, the BadAss is good but it not a "noticeable" improvement.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

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Fender style but more robust construction. My Warwick Rockbass hass one and it is very good. In fact I am getting two more for other build projects I have in the works.


I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with your new bass.


To be fair, the stock Fender bridge is usually very serviceable and better sounding than many people give them cedit for. It may be possible that you can refurbish the one on your bass.


First,check it for obvious damage and contact the dealer if you find any.


It could be that the the setscrews that adjust the height of the saddles may be stripped (or even the wrong size) or the hole that they pass through on the saddle may be stripped.


You can repair this problem by making sure the setscrews fit properly, if not get new ones (they should be redily available). If the hole through the saddle is stripped you can get a TAP and recut the threads, this would be less expensive than buying a new bridge.


If both look to be in good condition, then apply some Loctite 242 to the threads and then adjust. Just be certain to use Loctite 242 or a similar thred-locking compound that allows for disassembly!


Make certain that the bridge is properly aligned on the body and that the attachment screws are tightened.


On a Jazz Bass the string should ideally pass between the dual pole pieces on the pup. However, I have seen many that were slightly off center and sounded just fine.


Unfortunately the stock Fender bridge doesn't allow for lateral adjustment of the saddles.


If one or more saddles are seriously off center, you can make a spacer using an appropiate guage guitar pick and placing it between the saddles to move them laterally.While this is less than ideal it can serve as a temporary solution until you are able to repair/replace the bridge.


I hope that these suggestions can prove helpful.


Good Luck.

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my bridge on my fender callapsed too. But I just fixed it and it hasnt happend to me ever again.
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I have had 3 basses over the years with the Fender bridge. One insisted that it be replaced every time I played that bass, and the others have been fine.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by FenderBassGirl101:

my bridge on my fender callapsed too. But I just fixed it and it hasnt happend to me ever again.

When you say that it collapsed, what happened? Did the saddle screws slip in the threads? How did you fix it?


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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All you need is PTFE tape that plumbers use.


AA) Remove the stud

BB) Wrap the tape a couple of times around the stud

CC) Screw back into the saddle


The PTFE tape takes up the dimensional tolerance between the threads of the saddle and the stud.


No more drooping saddles and problem solved.



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If the bridge is that bad on a new bass, either the bass should be returned or the bridge replaced by the dealer. Collapsing bridge? no thanks.


There are plenty of people using Fender bridges without issues like this. There is a lot of talk about replacing bridges with BadAss or others, but I'm not convinced that it's always necessary.


If you can't get the dealer to do the right thing, then any bridge will be an improvement. Failing that, you can do what Davo suggested to try to help it work correctly.


As to the strings lining up with the pickups - I'm assuming that you have pole pieces showing (those silvery cylinders) - and the string is not passing directly between them. This condition has existed for a long time on Fender basses. It's the degree that it's off that matters. Those magnets set up a field, and the PUP will work fine if the string isn't directly centered. If the string is closer to the next-string's magnets, you might have an issue. How does it sound ? (oops - can't check - the bridge just collapsed again...). Remember that many many PUPs have covers and you can't tell where the pole pieces are. They are generally close enough and work fine.


I am sorry for you to have to deal with this in a Christmas present. I hope you get it sorted out soon.




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Thanks For The Responses, the strings after reading this seem not much of an issue anymore, it sounded fine before, i just wanted to check that it wasnt a major or common fault. They are only a millimetre or so off anyway.


As for the saddles, i think god as shone apon me, ive been obvisouly checking now everytime i pick it up, i put new strings on it, my preferd gauge. And the saddles have stayed up very well.


Now touch wood, nothing persists, but thanks again guys!

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I found the company that manufactures them for Fender. You may want to redirect your questions to them:



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