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Bass Thumping


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Hi, ive been checking out old mister wooten on uTube, im amazed by this 'thumping' technique, is it like a variation of a standard slap? I would just like to know how you actaully do this?


Also, my MIM Fender jazz im getting for christmas is my second bass, i want to use this as my main 'fingering' bass, and my squire p-bass speical as a funky slap, 'thump' kind of bass, what kind of action suits slapping and thumping?



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Opinions vary hugely on this... Personally I like the same as I have for every other technique - a medium action (high to those that don't mind fret buzz and pluck more lightly, low to those that think they're playing a double bass) and relatively heavy roundwounds (45-105).


There's quite a bit of info on Victor's techniques around here - do a search for Dave Sisk's investigations into double thumbing.



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My advice: get the thumb part completely down before you try to add the double-pops. It's so conceptually simple, but takes a lot of practice to teach your thumb how to do it consistently and accurately. Check the thread Alex mentions, and let us know how you progress.



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Sorry, but I can't resist a truly shameless plug for my book, Ultimate Slap Bass. All you need to know is in the book, and more.




Go on, you know you want to ;-)


Seriously, as well as a low action, i've found that installing a ramp below the strings helps greatly with this technique - stops your thumb getting stuck under the strings. This was the biggest stumbling block I had with double thumping and once I sorted it i was in business.




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You know staurt, i was checking out your book the other day, if i had the cash now it would be in the post, but unfortunatly, me getting a GT-6B, a fender jazz, and a hiscox case this christmas, its all by destiny if im ever gonna get it, can i just ask as well as the hundreds of slap licks, and riffs is their like a guide aswell towards the technique? Oh and also, have u written or know of any book that is virtually the same but just for standard playing rather than just slap? Thanks, Harrison
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I would advise against a ramp...I think you should learn the control necessary to do the technique rather than relying on a crutch. If you learn it using a ramp, then you won't be able to play the technique on any bass that isn't equipped with a ramp. MHO.


Here's a downloadable video where Vic demonstrates his double-thump technique slowly.


http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?p=victor+wooten+double+thump&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&b=0&oid=3039d302c069917e&rurl=bassg.wz.cz&vdone=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.yahoo.com%2Fvideo%2Fsear ch%3Fp%3Dvictor%2Bwooten%2Bdouble%2Bthump%26toggle%3D1%26cop%3Dmss%26ei%3DUTF-8



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Originally posted by h364:

You know staurt, i was checking out your book the other day, if i had the cash now it would be in the post, but unfortunatly, me getting a GT-6B, a fender jazz, and a hiscox case this christmas, its all by destiny if im ever gonna get it, can i just ask as well as the hundreds of slap licks, and riffs is their like a guide aswell towards the technique? Oh and also, have u written or know of any book that is virtually the same but just for standard playing rather than just slap? Thanks, Harrison

Yeah, the book is more than just exercises, there's tons of advice and guidance, recommended recordings, a lengthy easy on the history of the technique, and lots of biographies and interviews. What i didn't want to do when I wrote it was just bombard the reader with a load of exercises and no written content to back it up. There's plenty of testimonials and audio samples to be found at www.basslinepublishing.com. Go to the books page and select Ultimate Slap Bass to read all about it.




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Originally posted by Dave Sisk:

I would advise against a ramp...I think you should learn the control necessary to do the technique rather than relying on a crutch. If you learn it using a ramp, then you won't be able to play the technique on any bass that isn't equipped with a ramp. MHO.


Here's a downloadable video where Vic demonstrates his double-thump technique slowly.


http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?p=victor+wooten+double+thump&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&b=0&oid=3039d302c069917e&rurl=bassg.wz.cz&vdone=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.yahoo.com%2Fvideo%2Fsear ch%3Fp%3Dvictor%2Bwooten%2Bdouble%2Bthump%26toggle%3D1%26cop%3Dmss%26ei%3DUTF-8




I absoutely agree with the theory of what you're saying, i.e. not taking the easy way to learning a technique, but i think there are times when this rule can be at least bent slightly. If for example you play a bass with a large distance from string to body at the end of the fretboard double thumbing will be extremely problematic because of the thumbs' tendency to lodge beneath the strings after the downstroke. I found that using a ramp taught me how hard i needed to strike the string and how far to go through it. I've found that now i've got this under my belt I have been able to do away with the ramp.


Well, it worked for me anyway!!




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Originally posted by Dave Sisk:

Stu...good point. If it helps as a temporaray solution, then by all means use it. Just ditch it in the long run though...



Agreed. Given that I've just posted my thoughts about taking shortcuts in the Jeff Berlin thread, I'd hate to appear to be advocating one! ;-)




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