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Huey Lewis/Chicago


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I saw Huey Lewis and The News, and Chicago at the Greek Theatre on Tuesday night, and was completely blown away. The Huey Lewis and The News sounded great, members of Chicago joined in, and someone from Tower of Power also joined in. Huey plays a mean harmonica thru what looked like an old Fender Bassman amp. I would highly recommend this event to anyone who's got the chance. Great musicians! These two bands are a perfect match.


While Chicago sounded great, the cheese factor was a bit high, with goofy background videos, and a drum solo with the flashing lights done a million time already. Huey came out and sang several songs with Chicago, including Colour My World.


My friend won these tickets thru K-EARTH radio, and it included a meet and greet, and pictures backstage before the concert. I got Huey's autograph on the greatest hits CD the radio station gave us. I shook the hands of Jimmy, Walt, Tris and Keith of Chicago.


All in all, one cool night.

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Yeah, the guitar player WAS awesome. We met him backstage and talked a little, but didn't know who he was(he was messin with us, said he was a tech just warming up the guitars) until they came onstage.
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Cheese factor, with Chicago?


That horn section cuts through cheese like a hot powered knife.


I wouldn't have put Huey Lewis and Chicago together myself. However, I can understand that it would work, especially for folks who aren't familiar with one or the other band.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Originally posted by Aldena:

Yeah, the guitar player WAS awesome. We met him backstage and talked a little, but didn't know who he was(he was messin with us, said he was a tech just warming up the guitars) until they came onstage.

Yea, that's him. He is friends with the guy I play with in Too Much Fiction. He is a really great guy and a great player.
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I was fortunate to catch Chicago in the late 70s when Peter Cetera (bass and vocalist) was still fronting them; for me, that was as perfect a band as a band could be. I caught them once more in the 80s after Cetera left, but they just weren't the same and I wasn't into all those synthesizer-based later tunes they performed. Cetera gave them hits and a lot of energy both onstage and in the studio. This is one band that deserves a classic reunion tour.


Ditto with Huey Lewis and the News, who I also saw in the 80s before "Back to the Future" came out. I couldn't get those tunes out of my head for a week after that show. Add them to the classic tour as well.


But together? I gotta think that one out... :wave:

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I assumed who kick-ass bassist/singer Phil Lynott introduced as "Bluesy" Huey Lewis, who played some harmonica on "Thin Lizzy Live," was...THE Huey Lewis. Sounded pretty good.


I liked "Sports" as a young kid. "Heart and Soul" is a great song to me.


I still really like Chicago's first album - totally smoking. Great drumming, great guitar, great horns, great songs, excellent bass. Chicago was about as jazzy, in terms of musical intelligence, as rock ever got.


I don't think any of their following albums were as good as "Chicago Transit Authority," but there's some real gems scattered around. One of these days I'll finally pick up Chicago III, the live one, and I'm sure it'll be worth it.


I'd see these two play a bill, no problem. I wouldn't go to great lengths or pay big bucks, but I'm sure it'd be a very good concert (If Chicago can lay off some of the ballads and the atonal jazz junk).

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I dunno. Chicago did have some nice records.


I really like Chicago X also known as the "chocolate bar" album. Nice stuff, but "If You Leave Me Now" was such a big money-maker the band sank into a pit of ballad hungry money grubbers. It cost the band musicians and fans.


I also like "Hot Streets," the album made after Terry Kath died.


You know one good thing about Chicago? In school, the guitar rocker guys never really communicated with guys in the marching band. Chicago was a group that brought them together. In fact, they still do.

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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Originally posted by Aldena:

Yeah, the guitar player WAS awesome. We met him backstage and talked a little, but didn't know who he was(he was messin with us, said he was a tech just warming up the guitars) until they came onstage.

I think his name is Chris Hayes. Back in the 80's there was an interview with him in Guitar Player. Great!
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"If You Leave Me Now" is one of my first musical recollections from the radio when I was a kid, it may be a little cheesy but it still evokes fond memories when I hear it.
Now theres three of you in a band, youre like a proper band. Youre like the policemen.
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I was a huge fan of Chicago in my youth. They hooked me when I was in grade school and a friend brought over Chicago 17, but my fav albums are their early works (CTA, II, III). I saw them live 3-4 times, once with the Beach Boys and a gang of cheerleaders... they have done some odd billing to bring in different crowds over the years.


That said, there was a Chicago concert here in Tulsa earlier this year that was sold out at least 30 days before the show. Granted, they sold out a 2500 seat theater... I used to see them at Hilton Coliseum, home of the ISU Cyclones, which seats about 15,000. Still, they must be dong something right.

- Matt W.
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