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Freakin' tuner!

DC Ross

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I was in the studio yesterday ( London Bridge - really nice place with some great credentials). I tuned up, and recorded the first couple of songs. It sounded pretty good. Before the third song, I went to tune up and my tuner's telling me that I'm way out of whack.


Now, my ear isn't perfect, but there's no way I was that out of tune, but in the "clock is ticking" studio environment (not on my dime, either), I disregarded my instincts and trusted this little flashing plastic box.


We started playing the third tune, and immediately I (and I'm sure everyone else) noticed that things didn't sound quite right. Or, more precisely, it sounded like a turd on a stick blowing in the wind. I kept playing because the rest of the guys were getting a good take.


I've had this tuner - a Sabine chromatic - for about 15 years or so, and it's never been a problem until it decided that this very moment would be a perfect time to freak out.


I used my guitar player's Strobostomp & it worked beautifully. I bought one today.


I guess the moral of this long-winded story is, is to trust your instincts. Chances are, you're probably right. :)

It's not simple to be simple.

-H. Matisse


Ross Precision Guitars

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Good thing it took only a shot time to sort this out.


I have a Sabine metronome and if the battery is even the slightest bit low, the tempo fluctuates wildly. Was the batetry low on your tuner as well?

-- Joe --


"If you think you're too old, then you are." --Lemmy Kilmister

"I have not seen a man who is not god already." --Austin Osman Spare

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Nope, new batteries in everything :) My guitar player said he used to have a Sabine, but he gave it to another guitar player that he didn't like ;)


I used the Strobostomp at rehearsal last night and it worked like a dream!

I got it at GC for $155. They're pricey, but from everything I've read & heard, they're very reliable. I really like that it's programmable to "sweeten" the tuning. Plus, I've been planning on installing the Buzz Feiten tuning system on my guitars, which requires a compatible tuner, such as the Strobostomp.

It's not simple to be simple.

-H. Matisse


Ross Precision Guitars

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Yikes, I've had my Sabine ST1100 for about that long, I guess I'm in for a surprise one day. Are you sure no one was messing with the calibrate button? Just a thought.
If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Bleah - I hated the Sabine and its bloated error range. Fine for a hurdy gurdy, but useless otherwise.


The TU-2 isn't the greatest, but at least it tracks well.


The Peterson is excellent, but more than I'm willing (able) to spend right now ...

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We had some out of tune-ness happening the other day with the lead guitarist. He tuned with his POD rather than the TU-2 he generally uses. Didn't take long to notice that something was off just a bit. When he compared the two he found a 5 cent difference.


PlanetWaves has some new strobe-based tuners, including a pedal. Could be good stuff.


Glad you made it through DC, that's a bad time to have trouble.

- Matt W.
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Originally posted by Matt W:

We had some out of tune-ness happening the other day with the lead guitarist. He tuned with his POD rather than the TU-2 he generally uses. Didn't take long to notice that something was off just a bit. When he compared the two he found a 5 cent difference.

Tell your guitarist his POD's tuner isn't set to A=440.
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