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Completely OT: Food

_Sweet Willie_

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Big Red - I did one of those a couple years ago, stuffed with orange halves and cilantro - was delicious, moist, and tender - for about an hour after I prepared it. Unfortunately, it was done about 2 hours before my guests were scheduled to arrive - my failure to control heat properly :( - and it was dry as sand like every other bird I've ever eaten by that point.
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Nothing special here. I just found a different way to make an egg sandwich. Let the egg cook a bit and break the yolk, then when you turn it add your favorite cheese. Add 2 or 3 slices of deli chicken on top of the cheese to let it warm while the cheese melts. Here comes my favorite part - I call it the 'Which Came First' sandwich. :grin:

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I discovered Samuel Adams' "Double Bock" a few weeks ago. 10 bucks a 4-pack. 323 calories per 12 oz. serving. One's a meal! Two? Mind eraser.


You sure you're not referring to the triple bock?


The double sells for the same price as their regular beers, and doesn't have nearly the alcohol content. I've only gotten my mitts on the triple twice in my life, and it is like a great big malty baseball bat to the head, for sure. :D

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The Sam Adams triple bock is the one in the blue bottles, right? I still have one bottle from about 15 years ago when they first introduced it. They said it was supposed to age well, like a good sherry. I've been waiting for the chance to get together with a friend and finally crack this one open. I'll try to have a couple good Belgian ales on hand, just in case this thing has gone to crap (but I hope it hasn't).

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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The Sam Adams triple bock is the one in the blue bottles, right? I still have one bottle from about 15 years ago when they first introduced it. They said it was supposed to age well, like a good sherry. I've been waiting for the chance to get together with a friend and finally crack this one open. I'll try to have a couple good Belgian ales on hand, just in case this thing has gone to crap (but I hope it hasn't).


That's the one. I never had enough self-control to keep a bottle in storage for that long...



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  • 7 months later...

I made a garlic scape pesto tonight. I've done the basil thing for years, and arugula pesto the past couple years. Scape was very easy and tasty, but I'm a bit worried about going to work tomorrow.


I will try a mix of say, 3/4 basil and 1/4 scape. If it works well, that will be what I will do with the basil forest in the back yard. Cutting up the scapes is easier than peeling garlic.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 1 year later...

Picnic at the park for those who do stuff for our local library; we went because my wife does stuff for the library--a real big-wig. So a guy brought ribs. Excellent, right? Nope. These ribs had all the goodness boiled right out of them.


I could only think about how good the broth was before they poured it down the sink. A crime, I tell you. A crime.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Picnic at the park for those who do stuff for our local library; we went because my wife does stuff for the library--a real big-wig. So a guy brought ribs. Excellent, right? Nope. These ribs had all the goodness boiled right out of them.


I could only think about how good the broth was before they poured it down the sink. A crime, I tell you. A crime.


Who the f*** boils ribs?! :P


Brother, you need to come down to my neck of the woods sometime so I can treat you proper with some good old fashioned 4-hour hickory smoked baby backs with my personal recipe dry rub and homemade mop sauce.

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I don't boil ribs either. But I can't figure out how else they were able to drain all the flavor out of a piece of meat, yet still leave the collagen intact. I think they finished them off in the oven with a dry rub, which apparently didn't have any salt in it. Perhaps someone's version of "healthy ribs"? Stoopid.


And thanks for the invite. We'll be right over.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I think they finished them off in the oven with a dry rub, which apparently didn't have any salt in it.


Salt is not a required component in dry rub. Quite the contrary, I find salt to be an unwelcome leech in my smoking procedures, pulling moisture out of the meat instead of pulling flavor from the rub in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they may have tried to make those ribs too "light". Ribs are something that are a rare treat so they should be enjoyed in all their glory. It would be better to cut down the portion size then make "light" ribs.



There are a few dangerous ideas on this list.


24 Incredibly Simple Ways To Make Your Food Taste Awesome



If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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From ribs to abs in 60 reps.


(Can't get the picture to post. Grrr.)


This one? I took the ?6101 after .jpg off



Those ribs can't be too good if they hold together that well. You should be able to grab two bones and have the rest fall to the pan splattering you in sauce. That is if you like sauce on your ribs.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just enjoyed a huge bowl of diced fresh tomatoes allowed to sit for a bit with just some salt and pepper. Man that was good. There's nothing like fresh, home grown tomatoes. I added the remaining liquid to the pot of chicken, I guess you can call it stew, or whatever. I cleaned up some chicken thighs and let them sit in some Moscato for a few hours. Browned the chicken and set them aside while I softened some onions then put it all together to slow cook with some red potatoes and carrots. Some ingredients withheld to protect the innocent. I wouldn't say that I can actually cook but I have a knack for looking at what's around and turning it into something good. As the "stew" cooks I'm enjoying some more nice sangria. If I wasn't enjoying the sangria, I probably would have stepped out for some fresh mozz to go with the tomatoes but, I have no regrets.


{Pointless edit/update}

Chicken "stew" must have been good. Neighbor lady knocked on the door to ask what smelled so good. She must have a bionic nose to smell it from here to there. She ended up taking whatever was leftover. I really have to stop being so nice. Then again, it wasn't all that much, I'm new here, and it insurance that I'll get my packages signed for when I'm not home and the pizza guy will get directed properly. I'm starting to feel hungry again.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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  • 4 months later...

OK, so last night the orange brined boneless chicken thighs went into the oven 'cause I was too lazy to cook it properly outdoors. 2/3 of the way through cooking I saw that the chicken had lost a bit of water that would make it not likely to brown up properly, so I poured it off. Mmmmm...that'd make a great gravy. But not enough of it to warrant another pan on the stove. So. I put it in a coffee mug with some chardonnay and corn starch, and into the microwave. Stop to stir every 20 to 25 seconds.


Perfect gravy, and the extra stayed in the coffee mug and into the fridge. Easier than making toast. So why didn't I think of using the microwave for making gravy sooner? I've wasted so many damn years.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 1 year later...

Bump this thread. Before it falls of the earth.


So. I had some shrimp stock that I froze after saving shrimp shells for way too long. Potent stuff. And it was in danger of getting long in the tooth. So. Shrimp bisque. The store didn't have leeks, so I used sweet onion, shallot, green onions, and carrots. And I didn't have brandy or sherry, so I used some sweet and some dry vermouth. And I didn't have any mint, so I used some toothpaste. Ha! Had you going there, didn't I! I made up the part about the toothpaste. Anyway, it's real damn good. Just goes to show that any soup is good if you start with rockin' stock. It's all in the stock, baby.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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It is all about the stock with soup. It's all about home made. My wife has a very easy and quick recipe for tortillas. It MAKES our tacos, enchiladas, etc. Such a HUGE difference.


We make almost everything at home. There are very few things that we don't make better at home. Sushi is one. We go out for that. But after that, we can make almost anything else ourselves.

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  • 1 year later...

Maybe the last time this one gets bumped.


So....the store had boneless prime rib for $5.99 a pound. Dunno what that is in Euros, but can figure out the pounds to kilo's thing. I made one last night. Yes, it was good. 200 degree oven (Fahrenheit....) until the thermometer said 130 degrees. Crazy good. Silly good. Wow.


I'd have bought more than two but there were freezer limitations. No. Don't be putting that in the band names thread.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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