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The big audition--and I forgot my sticks...


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The new band I'm in, Modern Vibe, had an audition scheduled last Friday afternoon at the Hanford Fox Theater to secure a place as opening band for this Sunday's Ricky Van Shelton concert.


To save on gas money for the drive to Hanford (about a half hour's drive from Visalia), we decided we'd all pile into the lead singer's Ford Explorer -- 4 guys, our PA, drums, and other gear.


The band showed up to my house in the Explorer, and amid all the packing, unpacking, and repacking to try to fit everything in with enough room for us passengers -- I left my stick bag. I had gotten it out of the front door of the house, but somehow left it lying on our entryway next to the garage, where I had stacked all my drums en route to the curb.


So we're setting everything up a half hour later on stage at the theater, and I've got this nagging feeling that something -- something very important -- is missing. "Anyone see my...uh...stick bag?" I asked. Silence fell over the stage as the band stopped in mid setup and glared at me.


What followed was a rush to figure out whether or not I could make it to the nearest music store before they closed, and whether or not there was a nearest music store, and if so where it was located -- when the theater manager whom we were about to audition for said, "You need sticks? I've got ... one!" He puttered around in the back, and brought out a single drumstick with a menacing crack in it.


Well, I played out that audition -- four songs -- with one cracked stick. Got through each song without missing a beat! The theater manager loved it, and we got the opening gig.


Needless to say I was mercilessly (but deservedly) roasted by the rest of the band all the way home!



"All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players..."

--Rush, "Limelight"

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Nice work!!

The band I was in at the time (a couple of years ago) had a fairly regular gig at a restaurant about 30 minutes from home. Our drummer, who also owned the PA, forgot the electrical cord for the PA and sent his wife back to their place to get another one. This would have put us at least an hour late to start the gig. Luckily, it was the same kind of cord that as the power supply on a computer and we 'borrowed' one from the restaurant and were able to start on time. The drummers wife was sure ticked that she drove for over an hour there and back with the PA cord to hear us playing when she arrived.

From that point on, I made sure that I always had all of my stuff and an extra computer cord just in case.


Very nice save playing with one cracked drumstick!! You are a true professional. I'm sure it wasn't easy keeping the beat with one less appendage. Kind of like the drummer from Def Leppard.

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That's an absolutely marvellous story. Warms my heart. You must be really good to do 4 songs with one stick. I presume you used it in the right hand and alternated between the HH and the snare. Must try this tomorrow in case of emergencies. Davo
"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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I've never had trouble with drummers. But guitarists - sheesh! CONSISTENTLY forgetting picks, power cords, instrument cords, even strings. Pack the diaper bag.


BTW, indeedy, good work on ya for a one-time coulda-been-a-disaster, BD.

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Atleast you did not forget your hi-hat stand! My drummer did that 3 weeks ago for a gig. He was planning on playing his ride cymbal all night! I told him to clamp his hi-hats on his splash cymbal arm! Closed hi-hat is better then nothing!!

If it was just sticks, I would of been outside looking for the straightest "5B" tree branch I could find!

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Thanks for all of the replies everyone. Looking forward to the gig on Sunday. Rest assured I'll have my stick bag -- as well as extra sticks stashed away in random drum and hardware cases!


I'll bet the other 3 guys will be packing extra sticks too, as getz says he already does.


The worst thing about it is that this happened once before for rehearsal at the lead singer's house. I showed up without sticks AND locked my keys in the truck all in the same night. The lead singer happened to have a pair of sticks, and my wife drove over with the spare set of keys. Guess I'm developing quite the reputation...strike 2...




"All the world's indeed a stage, and we are merely players..."

--Rush, "Limelight"

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:D Great story :D


Best part is that you managed to make due with the cracked stick, which surely must have gone some way in getting that gig. Sometimes how you deal with a bad situation is more important than the gravity of the situation itself.


Greenboy is right, btw. I once auditioned for a band where the guitar player asked me if I had a pic ... Luckily for him I do have a few on me, in case I cramp out. Come to think of it, he still has that pic !!!! And I never made it past that first audition :mad:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


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BD - glad it all worked out in the end. Since it did, enjoy the teasing - because the band is going to "stick" with it.


Fire your bassist. He should have been prepared ;) I do not currently carry sticks (I have two drummers and both are pretty anal retentive), but carry other items that have helped bandmates.


I was going between work, various cars, and a weekly gig one time when I realized I'd left my bass at home. Fortunately I am always early, and was able to call my son at home who made a delivery for me. No one knew, because I was still ready by sound-check time. It was embarrasing just the same.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Um....once I forgot the bass amp, cord, and everything else.

Well, that morning the string on my bass was broken by the singer messing around, luckily I had a mm ray at my disposal. On the way out the drummer told me he packed it up for me. The singer asked me to pick up my amp at the studio for the gig, whcih was short notice. Well, although he made it sound like everything was gonna be ready for me to pick up, the engineer was out of the studio, out of town actually. I managed to play the singers mexi pbass, and I played it through my friends svt3pro and 610, since he was playing the show with his band as well.

....yup, it happens

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