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Ever have one of those days....


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Here's the skinny on my situation...


I've been playing bass for 17 years now. Am I good? People say I'm good and I say I'm alright. So last night I was at practice and I couldn't play on time to save my life. I was a train wreck. The experience left me so beside myself. I felt like I was 15 again and just learning. I went to bed stressed out about it and by 4:45am I was in the bathroom puking because I just so stressed out. And today hasn't a picnic either. This morning I was so tempted to call in sick and just play bass all day long to make up for the 2 hours of hell last night.


Have any of you older players ever experience anything like this? This feeling I have is like a void or something. I've been counting the hours to leave work and go play.



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I don't think anybody here would consider me an "older player" (I'm 21) but I've been playing for about 10 years now and I (as well as every other musician on Earth) have my share of off days...sometimes followed by a day off.


Some practices just suck. All you can do is grit your teeth and do the best you can until it's over. Some shows are like that as well. There's no use in getting stressed about it though...that doesn't do any good. I count the minutes at work and during my classes in college until I can go back to my room and play. My room mate (my drummer) and I keep a countdown going every week till band practice.


Depending on the kind of person you are it might do you some good to go practice some more or it might be better to take a day or two off and chill out/recuperate.


Remember what the urologist says..."This too shall pass."

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Welcome to the Lowdown :wave: Ironically, I had a similar day to yours. No band practice, just me and my Ibanez*, up in my room ...


And all the songs I am supposed to know by heart, and should have prepped for Friday's rehearsal sounded dreadful, as if I'd just played them for the first time, using a tab that's just a tad off.


To add insult to injury, I started tabbing "The Sound Of Silence" which in itself sounds like a rather simple song. But isn't :mad: Which drives me mad !!!! I'm still kicking myself for relying on tabs for the past 3 years (yes, I've been at it for that "long" so I'm not the type of player you requested a response from :D )


Ah anyway, tomorrow is a new day. I'll wake up feeling not too fresh and with a slight headache, for I drank too much tonight :freak: but I'll go at it and try and get past that first note of my now-no-longer-favourite S&G song :D



* Yes, I do wish it were "Carmen Ibanez" :D Look it up :P

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Well I dont have 17 years under my belt, but I do have six. I have grown wise to the fact that no matter how long I play, I will always be learning, always have bad days, and always have someone better and worse than me. My advice is to not let it get you down. Maybe take a few day break, or just make sure you are having fun with it.
When in doubt, hit the root.
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Welcome to the LowDown! :wave:


I am thinking that since you couldn't play well, and then threw up later, that maybe you were physically not well, and that is why your playing was off. You might be "coming down with something."


I've read that there are lots of things (like viruses) that can mess with your inner-ear, which can create those kinds of cognitive/coordination problems and can also make you throw up.


Drink lots of water, take some vitamins and minerals... and I'll bet your playing will be right back up to your desired standards! :thu:


Good luck!


Please let us know.


... Connie

"Change comes from within." - Jeremy Cohen


The definition of LUCK: When Preparation meets Opportunity!



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Thanks for the warm welcomes and the understanding. Knowing that there are others who know what the hell I went through seems to help out a lot. And there is a bug going around at work some maybe my body is trying to defend myself or something....makes sense.


Today I did just kick back and veg. I'm pretty kicked back about everything in life except my bass playing...I think at times I do forget to have fun.


Thanks guys!


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UTS-D, it's one thing to be dedicated ... :D We all know what you mean, I think. When I first started playing bass, it could really ruin my entire day if my practise didn't go well. I'd get sooooo angry :mad:


davio, THANK YOU for the tip!!! I mean, Denise Richards, Ellen Barkin AND Brittany Murphy all in one movie? That's it, I'm going to the stores :D


Whoever said being a teenager stops when you're over 20?

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Originally posted by EddiePlaysBass:

Whoever said being a teenager stops when you're over 20?

...or over 50? :P

Where are my manners? Welcome to the Forum, UTS-D! :wave:

I still have moments when I feel I haven't learned or done anything significant. Seeing Jeff Berlin last week, for instance, reminded me I have so much to work on in defining my tone and my musical vocabulary. We all need those experiences to get a reality check, decide what directions are worth pursuing and then going there. Too easy to procrastinate and let the years go by... but the frustration, anger and resulting illness isn't necessary. Accept your limitations and then decide how to turn them around. (Paul McCartney didn't want to play bass in the original Beatles until Stu left and the others convinced him to be the replacement bass player) Sometimes you have to take a step or two back in order to take three steps forward, if you catch my meaning.


Eddie, IIRC, Denise is one of the Bond girls in "The World Is Not Enough", along with Terry Hatcher (Desparate Housewives) and the exotic villaness whose name escapes me at the moment. I often wonder if the European releases are really "spicier" than the American releases. (someday I'd like to see the European versions of "La Femme Nikita" :wave:

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This is turning into a Denise Richards Appreciation Thread :D


Fred, no idea if they're spicier ... :confused: They are what they are, I can't compare :)


I love La Femme Nikita !! Both the series, and the movie that goes by that name but actually isn't called La Femme Nikita ...


[drool] And "Wild Thing" ... good call [/drool] :D

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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A bass-player with 17-years experience that can't keep the beat? I doubt it. I really doubt it. I'm guessing something was "up" with the group.


A couple of "drills" that can help boost your confidence, though:

1) Play through headphones with music (assuming you've got a mixer) - if you're off the beat it will stand-out more.

2) Practice playing with a metronome playing a) ahead of (stress feel) b) on (boring) and c) behind (laid-back feel) the beat. This of course is that "temporal feel" thing...


I'm guessing that somebody was getting confused by item #2 above. I used to play with a guitarist who's fingers would get tired and he'd slow down. He ended-up with a "behind the beat" feel, always "tagging along" just behind everyone else. Drove me *nuts* until I accepted that as "his sound" and learned to live with it.

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I'm laughing at the tangent of this thread: "Hot chics!" :thu:


"Hot chics" is always a perfect tangent for any topic.


Nah, it was me for sure who was off time. The drummer has got really great timing and the guitar player has got impecable timing. And you pretty much know it's your fault when everyone is looking at you like creamed corn is gooping from your ears. I don't know...I think I was just in a funk. I read that Seven Stages of the Bad Gig story and that actually feel better. Made me realize how lucky I actually am.


AND I totally dug Fred the bass player's explaination of needing a reality check every now and then. Getting comfortable and becoming stagnent isn't a good thing.


And back to "The Real Subect" I've always had the hots for Carrie Fisher in Return of the Jedi.

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UTS-D, glad to hear you're feeling better now. A drummer with impeccable timing? Can I clone him? Most drummers I work with seem to have that Meg White sort of feel for rhythm: none whatsoever.

That said, the one we recently hired seem to be solid.


Now on to the real topic at hand: being relatively young, I much prefer Natalie Portman :D Saw her with a Sinead O'Conor haircut (hardly any hair at all) and bite me, but even that looked darned hot :love:


As for Denise Richards & That Bond Movie ... As much as I enjoy seeing the girl in action, I could not bare to watch that movie in its entirety :(

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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