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CA travels -- Nordstrand and Cohen

_Sweet Willie_

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I'm coming close to the end of my wonderfully relaxing California vacation.


I've had the pleasure of two quality LDL-related adventures.


First, I went to visit Carey Nordstrand in Yucaipa, CA. Phenomenally nice guy. He was working on pickups when I rolled in, but I also got to see some bodies, necks, and fingerboards from the current batch of basses he's working on.


I got to play a variety of basses and g****rs with Carey's pickups. His pickups are the shizznit. Fo' real, yo'. I really dug the dual coils, but his Fender J replacements are pretty hot as well.


I'm not much of a guitar player, but I did dig his humbuckers in a no-name guitar. Nice full sound.


Carey's a nice guy and it's clear that he's busting his butt to make quality gear for us.


Second, I spent an afternoon in Santa Cruz w/ the esteemed Jeremy Cohen. We jammed a little at the Starving Musician -- I got to play the Ashbory, which was fun and challenging all at once. We then caught some lunch and strolled the boardwalk for a very relaxing afternoon. I've come to look forward to my annual hang w/ Mr. Cohizzle.



--Dub $$



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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"all the leaves are brown

and the sky is grey

I've been for a walk

on a winter's day


I'd be safe and warm

if I was in L.A

California Dreamin'

on such a winter's day"


Sweet Willie and Jeremy hangin' in Cali! What could be be cooler than that?


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Sounds wonderful. I love meeting builders - you get such a great feel about their work. In your case, it's reinforcement since you already own a Nordstrand.


I miss being able to see Jeremy. I guess I hve to break out next Passover and get up to RI.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Willie, sorry I missed you this time around. Lady Bo and I are in Reno this week. Tomorrow I'm flying to Burbank airport to do a gig with Rumours and then flying back to Reno on Monday, then heading home.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Here's visual evidence of Dr. Sweet Willie's visit.


In the picture he's playing my Ashbory bass at The Starving Musician (store) in Santa Cruz.



You don't need to see another picture of my ugly mug.


I enjoy his annual visits. One of these days I will get to NYC and visit all my Lowdown homies who live there.


By the way, you might want to notice my updated signature: following ATM's lead, I have designed a few t-shirts.

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Originally posted by jeremy c:

Here's visual evidence of Dr. Sweet Willie's visit.


In the picture he's playing my Ashbory bass at The Starving Musician (store) in Santa Cruz.

Picture? Link? :confused:


Jeremy was wearing a clean water t-shirt courtesy of, I believe, ATM.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Whappo:

I wish I knew you were around Sweet Willie...next time.


Yeah, Whappo. We have to hang again. Next time for sure!


Not only do I jones for a Tri-112L, but I also jones for some of your homemade ice cream!


Sorry, also, Wally that we missed each other as well.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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