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Top dots on a fretless


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Side dots on fretless are pretty essential. I would have been hopelessly lost if Musicman hadn't put the side dots where the frets should be on my 2 fretless Stingrays.


I actually feel for bassists who have converted a fretted instrument to fretless. I'm sure everyone or most of us know this, but with the side dots on fretted instruments being placed in the middle of the fret position, it has to be confusing. I know it was disorienting to me when I had the frets pulled out of my Toby Pro 6. Thankfully that came out like a lined fretless!

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Oh, did I mention I've got lined and un-lined (but with side markers) fretlesses. Love em both.


Last two days I've been playing fretless with one finger (curtesy of musicfriend) and w/o looking at the fingerboard. I note:


1) that one-fingered playing was surprisingly satisfying (can't explain why) and quick enough for what I actually need within the band (as opposed to what I want to do).

2) that i've always used the URB technique without knowing it for the bottom 5 semi-tones, as I have smallish hands.

3) that sure, I can hear when I note is creeping out of tune. A quick sneaky glance soon corrects it and I carry on. However, if I am playing a riff where the left hand moves up/down the neck then my head automatically turns to look at the fingerboard. I'm powerless to stop it!



Finally, listening is obviously mega-important BUT when I'm playing with a g****r/drums etc, I can't always hear myself so clearly and so intonation could be miles out!

"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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THIS is why your parents always wondered about that "bunch of noise" you were producing... :D

Originally posted by Davo-London:

Finally, listening is obviously mega-important BUT when I'm playing with a g****r/drums etc, I can't always hear myself so clearly and so intonation could be miles out!

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


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I've always wanted to get one of those boutique noteless basses, but they're so expensive. Once you get one though, they last a long time. Another good thing about a noteless bass is that it makes all that drudge practicing stuff unnessary.
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ea, no fretwear either. So you can use roundwounds to your heart's desire.
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