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Aggressiveness and bass playing

jeremy c

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Originally posted by jeremy c:

And if I take it to the bridge....everyone will take it to the bridge....and if I go there at the wrong time, everyone else will think that they made the mistake.



See, that's what I'm talking about. Singers and guitarists might get more limelight, but in a million subtle ways (that actually count for something), the bass player calls the shots.

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Originally posted by Quinn:

Actually, I think we're more of a passive-aggressive bunch.


We let the singers and guitarists think they're in charge, while we rule our bands quietly with iron fists.



Maybe it's just the people I've worked with, but it seems I'm usually the one who has to take charge and keep things running (kinda) smoothly.


Or maybe it's just me.

Insert inaccurate quote here
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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

I don't think of it as passive-aggressive or laid back.


I think bassists personality type is one who likes to be in charge, but in the background.


Catchers in baseball, anesthesiologists in surgery. The "Star" can't act until the catcher tells him it's time to throw a pitch.

Funny analogy. I am very calm and laid back, play bass and was a catcher in baseball. But, I was aggressive, to a point. I loved going inside and challenging the hitter. But, I studied the hitters and knew their sweet spots and how to position the defense. But, I couldn't hit my way through a wet Kleenex. I also played center in football. For those who don't know, the center is the guy the quarterback is fondling before the snap of the ball. The center calls the shots for the line and will even tell the QB when to audible at times.


To be a good catcher, center and bass player, you have to know what's going on all around you. You don't need (or really even want) the limelight, but, the team/band knows they're severely handicapped without you. I have found that the better bass players tend to be thinkers. We are the ones who hold the band together. We are the ones who keep the beat going and keep the chord progression in check so the singer and guitarist and drummer look good. We are, as a whole, ok with that because we know that we keep the whole ball rolling. We are aggressive, to an extent, but, we, as a whole, know when to keep moving or to stay on a groove.

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I am quite layed back when playing, but depending on what I am playing I have to play aggressive, take slapping stuff, because I work on fast slapping, and Victor Wooten's OHP I find I have to be fast and aggressive.

I have also found a good tone for me that lets me be less agressive and still sound in the pocket and aggressive.

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Idunno, don't think I ever get agressive when I play, even when I was in a band that played mostly up-tempo Metallica covers ...


Assertive is something else. I'm the newest member in my band but I've decided that it's in everyone's best interest if everyone speaks their mind, so I won't do the "I'm new so I'll shut up" thing anymore. If I have an idea or something to say, I'll say it.

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

I think bassists personality type is one who likes to be in charge, but in the background.

Observation of the century! I never put 2 and 2 together.
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Well, If I'm playing with a BAD drummer (which happens all to often) I tend to get really mad, simply becuase he's making me look bad as a musician. This is especially true when the drummer pins me for his mistakes, which happens all to often( P'shhh...drummers).

Also, I've noticed when writing songs or jamming I'm usually the one that goes to a new part or introduces a new section to a song(even though that usually went uncredited: e.g....you didn't write that part, I did)


BUt, in reality, I'm only aggressive en it comes to music, and I have probably the most laid back personality of all my musician friends. So, that being said, I don't think it's a matter of bass players being more aggressive than other, rather it's a matter of bass players being more dedicated than others.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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I do not regard bassists as aggressive. I like to think, humbly of course, that bassists are easy-going but dedicated, not-usually limelight-seekers and happy to be led and be supportive to the band leader. This is not the same as acquiescent.


Assertiveness from an inexperienced player/musician will come across as arrogant and annoying, whereas assertiveness from an admired musician will be respected.


As in many walks of life it is important to gain respect first before pursuing your agenda.

"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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My vote goes for assertive on the instrument, perhaps agressive on the forum.


Posted By Jeremy-----------------------

I'm usually the one calling out chord changes to people who should know better.


And if I take it to the bridge....everyone will take it to the bridge....and if I go there at the wrong time, everyone else will think that they made the mistake.



It's a heavy burden to bear sometimes. My lines always are designed to lead the rest of the band into the next change of the tune.I've always figured that was part of the job.

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Originally posted by Bruiser:




Originally posted by The Very Rvd. Joe Grundy:

Hey, I got a purple Jazz



Ah, well, that proves it. All bass players DO love purple!





I have a purple Zon!

purple ibanez



and as for being aggressive, i am very aggressive when i play because i am passive when i am not playing. it is my way of relieveing stress :D

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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Robert Deleo wrote most of the material for stp, that makes him kind of aggresive....but to the point, one of their albums is called purple!!
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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I'm assertive. I step up especially when others don't (but somebody needs to lead at this point). I can be aggressive, but not so often.


I like the center/catcher thing. I can stand a bit of limelight, but prefer to be the one pulling the strings. I also enjoy everyone else's success, which is why I'm a half decent manager at work.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I don't think its necessary. Ive met some pretty laid-back bass players (myself included)but they can pound em out when they get onstage. Im a merc so Im used to playing in different groups besides my regular blues group. Ive played just about every kind of music so Ive had to learn when to dig in and when to lay back. I use fingers, thumbs or picks.
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