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Strange bass dreams


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Okay, I know I'm not the only one here who's had them. . .


Last night I dreamed that someone disassembled my bass and my pedalboard, and I was finding pieces all over my apartment. . .knobs, the bridge, the pickups, etc. Nothing was damaged, and I remember feeling only slightly frustrated, as this meant I would be late for my gig.


Anyone else have any weird bass dreams recently?

~Jeremy Hull






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not exactly. i did have the dream a lot of people must have had: you dream about hearing and/or playing this really awesome, mindbogling, overwhelming music. you hear all the notes and humm the melody.


you wake up and spend the next 10 minutes trying to remember that goddamn tune that was so fantastic. everything you come up with sounds like total crap. time for coffee....

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Not to get too OT, but...


Commuting on the BART!(that's Bay Area Rail Transit or something like that, for you folks not accustomed to the Bay Area.) I lived in SF so I only used it to go see Raiders games or to go exploring in the "country"


Does the BART go out that far to Davis? That's some cool dream, and a kinda long ride, huh? I went out to UC Davis once. Cool campus. UC Santa Cruz was nice too, but UC Berkeley is my fav. Go Bears.


As far as Bass Dreams, Cloclo said it best. I'm a bangin' rock star in my dreams, but don't remember a darn thing when it's time to think of the song I was dreaming. When will they come out with some kind of dream-audio recorder?

"The world will still be turning when you've gone." - Black Sabbath


Band site: www.finespunmusic.com

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I remember a dream where the neck on my bass would not stay in place. It was as if the bolts were stripped,but the tension of the strings weren't pulling as much as they really would. I had to hold the neck in place and play. It was during a time when I was playing in a band with a drummer that would just not kick it. Everything would start too slow and just get slower. One of the guitarists in that band looked to me to even out any time issues so it was like constantly pushing a rope. :mad:


Most of the dreams I have are not about music. They are either bad dreams or absurd.


I would like to end todays session early,If thats OK. :freak:

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A recurring dream I had a few years ago was just a routine gig. Except every time I was playing left-handed! It really worried me when it was time to play, but every single time I played better than I ever could in real life-- and by that I mean right handed!
Here's a tip: Try to eat everything. You'd be surprised how much is edible.
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Originally posted by DONUT:

I remember a dream where the neck on my bass would not stay in place. It was as if the bolts were stripped,but the tension of the strings weren't pulling as much as they really would. I had to hold the neck in place and play. It was during a time when I was playing in a band with a drummer that would just not kick it. Everything would start too slow and just get slower. One of the guitarists in that band looked to me to even out any time issues so it was like constantly pushing a rope. :mad:


Most of the dreams I have are not about music. They are either bad dreams or absurd.


I would like to end todays session early,If thats OK. :freak:

Had that one! I also had one where the neck was like rubber. The cool thing was that I turned it to my advantage fairly quickly. It was after getting a fretless from my mom and brother for a birthday gift.
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Its good that this thread came about because it made me remember that I had one last night! I had forgotten about it!


What happened is that I ran into this guy I knew when I was a kid in a GC (wierd thing about it was that he was still a kid). He was playing something and the bass wasn't plugged into an amp. and I was thinking to myself "I can play that." Then, all of a sudden, he starts playing this crazy line that is so fast that all I could hear was a continuous buzz of the strings hitting the frets (remember that he wasn't plugged in). His fingers were moving so fast that they were blurred! It sounded like the clicking of an automatic trigger on a paintball gun.


Like the site!

I am a master bassist by trade. I take part in master bassion.
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Dug this thread up.


Starts like this:

Originally posted by Adamixoye:

Okay, so I had this dream last night...


I went into Guitar Center (though it didn't look like the only Guitar Center in my general area, shouldn't this have clued me in?) and anyway...I saw my bass there. You don't understand...MY bass. I somehow knew this. Then I "remembered" that I had brought it in on a previous visit to test an amp or something and it hit me I must have left it there! So I started talking to the sales people to let them know what was going on...because they'd slapped a sticker on the thing, ready to resell it! I kind of lost track of everything that happened...I remember the headstock of the bass mysteriously morphing, such that it was no longer the same as mine...morphing again...and finally morphing back. I also "remembered" in my dream that I had actually purchased the bass at Mars Music and not at Guitar Center (this is actually true in real life), thus making me worried that GC would have no record of purchase and I'd be in big trouble.


Eventually, I just walked out of the store with it, and no one stopped me. But then...the neck was bent! And continued to bend! It was as pliable as silly putty. I bent it back into roughly the appropriate shape, and things once again start to go fuzzy.


Has anyone else had this experience?!?


Amateur Freuds are welcome to interpret this dream but I'll probably just laugh at you.


P.S. I'm not on acid.

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Hmmm... I had a weird one the other night:


I was in my local music shop where I have my weekly bass lesson...but the strange thing is it looked nothing like my local music shop - for some reason I knew it was though :confused:


Anyway, my bass teacher arrives, and we sit on the floor in the middle of the store, to have my lesson, instead of going into the lesson room...I plug my bass in to this tiny little practice amp about the size of a clock radio, and start to play. The amp was strange...in my dream I remember thinking - hey I know this brand, these are cool amps...but I don't remember what it was now. Come to think of it, I think it was just a made up brand that doesn't really exist - but I can't put my finger on the name.


Anyway I start to play, and I'm ripping it up...much better than I can play in real life :D and my bass teacher just goes and starts talking to some dudes in the store, and I keep playing....


...then it gets fuzzy.






What does it all mean? :freak:

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  • 8 months later...

Okay, passed out (non-alcoholic) on the couch and just woke up. Actually remember a dream I had (normally don't remember, and if I do, to dern depressing.)


[Wavy special effects]I was at a party. Relaxing in a chair. Geddy Lee comes up to me and starts talking bass (I realize that I have a bass clef hat on.) Anyway, we're just talking, I ask him about his Fender, and he says how sweet it is. I'm about to tell him how we have dubbed it the Ben Loy bass when dream changes to something totally different without a party and bass players.[/Wavy special effects]


Anyway, I just thought I would share since it's so strange for me to remember my dreams.



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Gb, that reminds me of an mtv commercial i just saw

..."the disfunctional musician"

the faint sound of a guitar being tuned in the background and a lanky figure with a guitar case by his side as he explains "My stuff is waaayy better than what you hear on the radio, why don't you buy me a drink I'll get you back stage when my band plays its first show"


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The difference being, I think cloclo and I are dream-hearing what the Real Music is, before it gets transformed to a lower state that you can actually hear in this "waking" world. It isn't mine. But if I could capture just some of its essence it would be a lot better than being dictated to from Media Central.
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I also forget most of my dreams, but some stick. A few nights ago I dreamed that I was getting on a very high stage indoors and the hall was full of people sitting at tables. I stood there and tuned the bass (of course without a tuner) with the amp cranked loud. Then I tried to pull a couple of scales but my fingers were fat like sausages and I couldn´t play shit. No bandmates anywhere in sight. I think I woke up here since there is (luckyly) no continuing of the horror. Awake I haven´t stood on stage since late 70´s so maybe this is how it will be in the year 2006 :(
What ever...
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