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New Amp ;-)


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After recently buying a new bass (Check here for reference) I was feeling bad about playing it through my little Peavey Microbass practice amp, so I decided to go amp shopping so I could really hear my new baby :wave:


Anyway - here's a pic of my practice area in my study at home with my new BX600 combo, new bass, and old Peavey Microbass (the Peavey can stay for late night practice :D it's still a neat little 20w combo)...






Now I gotta stop spending! :freak:

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Nice rig!


Isn't that new gear high a nice feeling?!


But forget about stopping with the spending. Your little Peavey stacked on top of your new rig is a clear indication of an acute case of GAS. That picture's worth a 1000 words, for sure.


And have we mentioned the bad news?!


There is no cure!


Hope the new amp serves you well.



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Ya know the best thing about new bass and new tone? It makes ya wanna practice...practice...practice.


Get after it.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by chewstermaniac:

*sigh* the memories.


My first set up was a Peavy 1x15 combo and some cheap ass flying V bass. Played the hell out of it. ENJOY your new stuff!! Welcome to your first taste of GAS!

"My first rig"! now that would be a great topic.

My first bass amp was a Peavey TNT 115. I bought it instead of a Fender Bassman (tweed none the less) with a 4 x 10. The Fender was $200, the Peavey was $225.

Anyone got a tweed Bassman? I'll give you the $225 I spent on the Peavey!

"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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Congrats on the new amp! Looks like you're all set! That's a pretty cool looking musicstand you have there too. :thu:



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Now I gotta stop spending


Thats a good one......


Congratulations on your new gear ..it looks very nice...have fun making music...


Please let us know when you upgrade.....


LDers..my money sez 4 months before the 1st upgrade... :D



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Originally posted by davebrownbass:Ya know the best thing about new bass and new tone? It makes ya wanna practice...practice...practice.
Hmmm! That gives me an idea :D


Originally posted by 57pbass:

Now I gotta stop spending


Thats a good one......


Congratulations on your new gear ..it looks very nice...have fun making music...


Please let us know when you upgrade.....


LDers..my money sez 4 months before the 1st upgrade... :D

I'l be sure to let you know! :wave:
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Very nice... new stuff always feels so good.... but be warned... GAS is incurable.... it my go into remission for awhile but it always comes back .... and can be hazardous to your marital health.... :D


(At present, I'm not allowed in a music store unsupervised...) :rolleyes:


Enjoy your new rig



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Originally posted by 57pbass:

There is no cure!

(he's right, you know...) :D


Eberbachl, I've had my eye on an affordable 60W combo as an alternative to dragging my 60lb SWR Workingman's 15 up and down stairs and through crowded clubs. The BX600 might be just the ticket, and I especially appreciate you noting it sounded better (louder?) than its bigger brother. I'll move this up a few notches on the wish list. Thanks!


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Originally posted by Killer Fred from Outer Space:

Originally posted by 57pbass:

There is no cure!

(he's right, you know...) :D


Eberbachl, I've had my eye on an affordable 60W combo as an alternative to dragging my 60lb SWR Workingman's 15 up and down stairs and through crowded clubs. The BX600 might be just the ticket, and I especially appreciate you noting it sounded better (louder?) than its bigger brother. I'll move this up a few notches on the wish list. Thanks!


I happy to think my post may have given you another option.


I'm really a beginner to bass so don't take my word for it, but I'd certainly go and try one of the BX600's in person if you're after an inexpensive and portable 60w combo.


It really did sound at least as loud as the 120w BX1200 in the store, and more importantly IMHO the tone was nicer also.


This may be partly attributed to the BX600 having 12" speaker, and the BX1200 only a 10" speaker. Please note though, that the BX1200 does have a speaker out jack so you could connect it to an external cab and it may improve significantly over the built in 10" driver.


Admittedly the BX1200 does have quite a few more options than the BX600, but the BX600 is still quite versatile nonetheless.


Anyway - check 'em both out and see which one you prefer ;)







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where did you get that awesome Floating Chair?? I WANT ONE!!! :D
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Originally posted by rotosound45:

Eberbachl, is that a car stereo speaker in that Peavey MicroBass amp?

Yes I must admit that it is! LOL


Well noticed!


I bought the Peavey very cheaply from eBay, and when I got it the driver was in very bad shape.


Not wanting to spend much more money on the little amp, I thought I'd take a gamble, and pick up a cheap 8" sub from the auto accessories store.


Anyway, it's a 4ohm 100w 8" driver, and surprisingly enough - it actually sounds pretty good! :eek:


Probably completely the wrong thing to do I guess (you've got me all embarassed now that my little secret has been found out :D:freak: ), but it worked and got me some sound until I could upgrade to the Behringer.



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Nothing to be embarrassed about, my friend :) . The only thing I think about is the foam-surrounded cone that travels ALOT. Great for lows, but not much else. But, being an 8" speaker in your case, it probably helped put some thump in the tiny amp. I've seen this done before with Altec-Lansing 12" subs in a guitar amp... It's a much better move for bass no doubt.
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Yes, it does work well for lows and improved the amp in that regard - but I must add that the mids and highs aren't as bad as I thought they might be. I really thought the highs would be pretty lame, but they work OK - not brilliant, but OK :D


All in all, an inexpensive and successful exercise :thu:

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