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Three Shows in Four Days!!!


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Hey, guys...I'm pretty new. I read daily, but hardly ever post.


My band playing three shows in four days (about an hour and a half set each time), including a show full of new songs (worship music) with only one rehearsal (YIKES!).


We practiced last night (3 hours)

Play tonight (1.5 hours)

Practice tomorrow night (3 hours)

Play Friday (1.5 hours)

Play Saturday (1 hour)


All that playing and lugging gear is gonna wear on me...


Do you seasoned veterans have any suggestions for staying fresh over the next couple of days besides sitting on a stool during practice?

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This sounds like fun. My first suggestion is not to panic.

Make sure you have your charts in order. With all the hauling you will be doing make sure you have a good dolly or hand truck. Stay away from the booze and get good rest.. And make sure your instrument/cords batteries are ready.


Have fun and let us know how it turns out.



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Plenty of rest, plenty of water, healthy food. No dope, no liquor. Keep the groupies to a minimum :D


Seriously, I have a 4 banger on May 30 and 5 or 6 triples over the next few months and I am old and fat.


You should be fine.

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You're probably right...as I'm accustomed to playing one show a week, I'm not sure my fingers are ready for 5 days straight with the band...


No problem staying away from the booze, drugs, and groupies...


It's the caffeine that's going to kill me.

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Sleep is good. If you can get help carrying equipment, that's good as well.


Don't play more than you have to. Stop all that noodling around that we all love to do and save your strength. Economy of motion will help.


Of course, you might be fine without this advice....




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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That would be nice, but they are two different shows.


Last night, we played from charts and a single two-hour rehearsal, the next two nights we'll be playing originals that haven't been dusted off for a couple of weeks due to other shows...


So practice is a must.

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That would be called, "par for the course" ;)


I'm giving you a hard time, of course. But it's true. The bands I've mixed generally play 5-7 nights a week. They don't do practices often. No time for 'em. ;)


One of the singers we just sent out to the Celebrity Cruises' Millennium had to majorly adjust his voice and body. Why? He went from 6 nights of 4 - 6 hours of R&B, rock, jazz, and whatever else they could throw at him to 4, 1 hour shows over a week. These shows he can't warm up during the first set, though ;) Has to be on from the get go.


More than just an anecdote, this story should illustrate that you need to be aware of the physical and mental requirements of different gigs. As others have mentioned, get plenty of rest, eat right, drink LOTS of water, but also give your fingers some TLC. Your callus' should be fine, but you might want to use a bit of hand lotion before and after each practice to keep them from splitting and bleeding.


Good luck with your multiple gig weeks. :thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I just got back from Europe. 19 shows in 13 days. 2 to 3 sets a night. Basically sleep, food and LOTS of water are key. Sleep being a really important one. If you are prepared and relaxed you'll really enjoy yourself. Good luck and HAVE FUN.
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Water, Water, and Water.....and let us not forget food and sleep (plenty of both)!


Preparing yourself both mentaly and physicaly is very important to be a "working" musician. In addition to having the music down, you must have a plan and system of organinizing your gear (as well as the practical knowledge to maintain it0, and absolutely must maintain you physcial and mental being. This means eating and sleeping well (which on the road, or even doing a slew of "close" gigs) can be hard.


I never drink on a gig....'cept for water, which I drin a lot of. For tours, and I just came back from 15 shows in 12 days in Spain and France, I workout and get physically together before I go.

And I try to get in a good, requisite number of sleep hours each night.


My own personal best, as far as gigs go, was April 1996: 42 shows in 30 days!



...it's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
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Originally posted by Max Valentino:

Water, Water, and Water.....and let us not forget food and sleep (plenty of both)!

Excellent advice :freak: . Makes me appreciate what I'm doing now.
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Originally posted by pnkranger:

It's the caffeine that's going to kill me.

you couldn't be more right. caffeine will kill ya. stay away from it at all costs. especially considering most things with caffeine also have a lot of sugar it's a double whammy. you WILL crash... hard. my recommendation is if you absolutely must, have a cup of coffee with as little sugar as you can pallatte right before the show but there shouldn't be a need for the first one.


plus with all the playing you'll be doing that extra rehearsal in between might not be necessary. trash it and take a nap.

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