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msn groups...


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i just unsubscribed from four msn "discussion" groups. one was about bass, one about recording, one about the music industry and one about bands and session musicians. well, during the last year, all that i recieved from these groups in my mail was porn ads, spams and various suspicious links. not a single word for music. not a single line concerning bass. just porn.

i am really very angry about this. why do people go in music forums or discussion groups and litter? why do i have to find my mail account full of stupid links to porn videos?


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The net has nearly been taken over by opportunists, the percentage of ads to actual messages has been decreasing every year. Sad to say, I don't think a solution will be found.


I am consistently victim to these a-holes who spoof my domains as the "from" address and receive thousands of bounced spam email returns, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.


Unfortunately, some small percentage of people respond to these jokers, and given the extremely low cost of sending out millions of spam messages, it justifies their expenses. If only EVERYONE would simply delete, not read and respond, to spam messages, it could slow the growth.


NEVER respond to spam, not to complain (first, they will likely not get your email, second, if they do, you've only validated your account as a live email address) and especially not to buy or go to any site to which you are referred.


Laws won't help- it's a worldwide problem, and even organized crime has become involved. An example of frustration-- there are laws on the books to prevent "spam" fax messages; they must put a toll-free number to enable you to make them remove your number. I get these idiot vacation offers continually-- if I call and remove my number, it usually results in three additional faxes that week, from new (and probably allied) senders. So if they can't make money selling you a vacation, they'll make money selling your fax number to somebody else!

1000 Upright Bass Links, Luthier Directory, Teacher Directory - http://www.gollihurmusic.com/links.cfm


[highlight] - Life is too short for bad tone - [/highlight]

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