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Most people on this forum are middle/upper class


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In the United States, someone from a "working class family" can become the chief operating officer of a major investment bank. I've met people like this, and I'm impressed how driven they are.


Do they have to work harder than someone born into privelige? Sure they do. But people born into privelige in this country aren't guaranteed an easy ride.


I've also met people with rich parents whom have completely screwed up their lives and are now living at the poverty level.


Can we go back to talking about music, please?

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Originally posted by   :

Clue for some: you do not have to be upper middle class to have the internet.

Thank you.


Homework: try explaining this to Al Gore. In the time it takes the words "technology gap" to get out of his throat, the gap narrows significantly. Without government assistance. How do we do it.


Also bears repeating that economic classes (or "quintiles" if you're economically minded) are not static. "The bottom quintile" is about as static as "the water in this part of the river."


(As a former northwesterner, I share the cynicism about attitudes re: logging, btw.)


Quick & dirty? Gosh, Willie, isn't it funny how when it's actually coming out of the bull, it's all quick & dirty? :D

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Originally posted by dcr:

Homework: try explaining this to Al Gore.

But didn't he invent the internet? And the wheel? :D


I'm still convinced Al Gore is either some type of evil robot or the evil test-tube love child of Rush Limbaugh and Al Fraken.

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Originally posted by BenLoy:

In the United States, someone from a "working class family" can become the chief operating officer of a major investment bank. I've met people like this, and I'm impressed how driven they are.


Do they have to work harder than someone born into privelige? Sure they do. But people born into privelige in this country aren't guaranteed an easy ride.


I've also met people with rich parents whom have completely screwed up their lives and are now living at the poverty level.


Can we go back to talking about music, please?

+1 Would anyone here really want to swap with one of Ozzy Osborne's kids?

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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For my own personal amusement...


the way you all talk about gear...As amusing as it might be, talking about waffle irons would be kind of counter-productive, don't you think?


how and when you buy it...Well, if the times I can afford it coincide with the times that I get in the mood...


what it means to your life in general...Said as it might be, it's faded a bit for me, as one band after another falls victim to the curse of agendas. I've become a bit jaded, and the only time I seem to have any fun is playing for Church-type stuff.


auto-mobiles...I buy used, but in good shape, and to not do so would be very foolish, for my cashflow capacity. Nothing I'm embarrased to drive, but nothing to brag to friends over.


grammar, language, and spelling...All under one category as far as I'm concerned. To not use proper grammar, when writing, anyway, is highly offensive to me. If you don't care how your words are formed, which is a basic block of communication, it's going to hamper my ability to understand the questions, and make you look like a fool. The world has enough of those.


probes on Mars...we have one. so what?


sensibilities...a little more detail here would be great, thanks.


politics...I despise both major parties equally, mostly due to the fact that they've forgotten who and what put them in office. More importantly, they've forgotten WHY they've been elected. But if I wanted to rant about that, I'd go somewhere else.


women...the most beautiful thing God ever created. One in particular, but all of them in general.


men ...the ugliest thing God ever created, myself included.


knock-backs...what's that?


careers...I have a job, not a career...and when I get one, it'll be kinda nice.


education...adequate for what I'm doing now. I'm underpaid, but that's a not-uncommon failing.


musical approach...if you mean how do I like to play, it's whatever the song calls for. The song above all things.


substance abuse...the bane of the music world, and the world in general.


computers...almost a requirement to make some things happen in this day and age.


If there is a clique, I'm not part of it, partly due to my own choice, and partly due to my lack of time on the board anyway. I know one of the guys in Real life, and we've done time on the same stages together.


And there's a point to this because...

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Originally posted by Warlock1016:


probes on Mars...we have one. so what?


Uh... I thought there were two...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Hi 61PBass

Sorry, I did not mean to take that literally. I was just sort of finding fulcrum for talking about my particular circumstance! The subject is interesting. I believe actually what defines the forum is passion for music, and most of the attitudes that permeate the forum arise from that. :):thu:

"If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn"

Charlie Parker

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Cup-I'm still waiting to hear what a knock back is. I know what a knock down is, and a knock out. I'm familiar with the cocept of knocking back a few. I know that knock up means something completely different in the UK than the US. From your context I think that what you call a knock back is what we yanks call a smack down. Is this so?





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Knock-back? A drink you don't sip!


Right, hopefully I'll close this topic now. I used many (some of them stupid) examples of certain situations that I hoped, when answered would help me gauge how people on this forum thought (about many topics, most of them unrelated to music!). I also hoped their answers would indicate what sort of common conscious, if any, existed here.


Maybe here in Ireland, we're too stuck on class as an issue, as an identifying force about the way people (plural) think. But what's came to my light, through everyones lists of cars, homes, salaries etc, is that it's obviously a topic that concerns ALL people.


My examples were bad ones! All I tried to high-light, were what I reasoned were some of the failings of this forum.


These observations obviously were not wanted.


I've been here nearly two years, I value this forum, I feel deeply about the issues I've tried to raise.


Apologies to those offended, I'll just browse and bite my lip from here on in.



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Originally posted by CupMcMali:

Apologies to those offended, I'll just browse and bite my lip from here on in.



No need to bite your lip. I'm still confused, though; I think we have illustrated that many of us on the forum come from many different backgrounds and many different belief systems. The majority of people seem to get along. How is it that we are at all obsessed with class distinction on this forum?


The only people who seem to take heat are the closed-minded types (i.e., non-4-stringers suck, lessons are evil, rock is for morons, etc.). Class isn't a distinction for this behavior.


I'm think we're more behavior obsessed than class obsessed.



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No offense taken at all Cup. One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is the volatility of being middle to upper middle class that exists in the US, ie, while most of us here enjoy a good standard of living, I'm fairly certain that most of us are also one accident or bad illness away from losing it all.





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