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rocksynthman's avatar


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Many questions about my avatar.Is it to distracting? I don't know who it is.I came across it and fell in lust,I did steal her from another fourm,so i guess she is cheating with me. Will i change it? maybe one day when i find a blonde. Do I have the vote for the best avatar?

I thought about putting my pic up but figured after her i would get flamed pretty bad.

Rock-n-roll junkie
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Although it may be offensive to some...

It's no worse than anything you would see or hear on any TV station at any time. I think the world is being way to politically correct these days. I remember my friend getting asked by his 5 year old daughter "What's oral sex?" after the whole Clinton deal.. Talk about offensive.

Luckily he was able to dodge that one..

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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When i put up the avatar there is no nudity ,a woman dancing is not a bad thing,I personally do not find it obscene.If a major vote leans the other way or if the moderators find it offensive then it will be removed. I have small children and they are not fazed by her.Watch saturday morning cartoons you will see worse.It was harder to explane what the dogs were doing in the yard even though the male was fixed.My wife didn't even say anything.I don't think im offending the ladys either.I hate everyone equally.But we will see how the post goes from here.

Rock-n-roll junkie
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i like it. and i don't think it is right at all to complain about it. i haven't seen any other complaints about rocksynthman's avatar in any of the threads. so why is it that once he posts something about it, everyone complains and flames him for it???


and to answer your question, yes, you currently have the best avatar :D


(by the way, i am representing the "minors" group)

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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Originally posted by BenLoy:

I'm not sure the ladies on this forum appreciate the avatar

:love: Thanks Ben. You too, S-dub. :love:


That said, this one doesn't bother me much. I'd rather see pics of gear, that's for sure, but I don't scroll fast when the kids are in the room. I'm trying to think if they've noticed it, and I don't think so. On the other hand, Fantasticsound's cat playing the guitar makes them run to see every time. :D


I shall refrain from making comment on the 5 year old's question. Just know my tongue is bleeding. :D It's a bass forum. It's a bass forum. It's a bass forum.

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"Our society is too politically correct..."


"You can see worse on cartoons..."


These are all part of a family of logical fallacies that seek to cast the focus away from the subject, establish a slippery slope, or cast an activity in a relativistic light.


If my friend and I decide to mug a man and I punch the victim while my friend stabs him, does that mean that I didn't commit the crime because someone else did worse than me? Obviously not.


And analogies obviously don't apply well to every situation. But whether or not you think the world is too politically correct, or whether you let your child watch "Miss Merry Maggie's Profanity and Pornography Happy Hour" every Saturday morning at 8:00am, doesn't mean that other people DON'T feel the same as you.


There's being too PC, and then there's being sensitive to other people who may not believe or act the same way as you do. Since it's not a great infraction on your civil liberties to change your avatar, I think it would be a good gesture if you went ahead and picked something with a little less potential for controversy. The fact that you asked in the first place indicates that you are already concerned how it might affect others, and that's a good reflection on you.

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Originally posted by ClarkW:

There's being too PC, and then there's being sensitive to other people who may not believe or act the same way as you do. Since it's not a great infraction on your civil liberties to change your avatar, I think it would be a good gesture if you went ahead and picked something with a little less potential for controversy. The fact that you asked in the first place indicates that you are already concerned how it might affect others, and that's a good reflection on you.

That was really well stated.




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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No one complained about it before this thread. it is not obscene. while i am not offended by it, i could see where others might be. if rocksynthman decides to change his avatar, this one will live on in the hearts of low-downers forever. okay, i'm kidding about that part, but the potential for offending people, whether they voice their opposition or not, should be taken into consideration.
Insert inaccurate quote here
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Originally posted by justinruins:

No one complained about it before this thread.

Fair enough. It didn't bother me enough to ask for it to be changed.


But rocksynthman himself opened up the discussion about his avatar, and in response I expressed my opinion.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by BenLoy:

I'm not sure the ladies on this forum appreciate the avatar...remember that there are kids of all ages on here.

Ben, you won't get very far with that argument around here. I complained once to Lee about a gig story that got too vulgar for a public forum, and was told "tough, I heard worse as a girl and it didn't bother me". Of course she was more polite about it than that, but that was about the gist of it.


rocksynthman, I'm not offended by your avatar, and I'm not trying to flame you or anyone else(I hope for the same treatment), but your comment that "there's worse stuff on cartoons" doesn't really mean much to me. If there is, then I say don't let kids watch those cartoons either. It's not necessarily bad, but I wouldn't want my kids to have to watch that image gyrating there nonstop. I know that my girls are already somewhat afraid of men after some of the predator stories lately, and some other scandals local and national.

I think it helps to set them and other girls at ease to see adults who don't necessarily wear their desires out in the open for everyone to see.


No personal offense intended to anyone, but if this forum is going to be a free wheeling place, I might as well tell my two cents... especially since you asked.

Hey you white boy there

Go play that funky music

"ok...what's it pay?"


first smoke, then silence

your very expensive rig

dies so gracefully

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There is also a bandwidth / speed of loading issue -- unless I have that lady perpetually gyrating in my cache!
A man is not usually called upon to have an opinion of his own talents at all; he can very well go on improving them to the best of his ability without deciding on his own precise niche in the temple of Fame. -- C.S.Lewis
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Originally posted by jeremyc:

The avatars that people use give us an indication as to the personality and maturity level of the posters.

Thanks, Jeremy. You wrote my thoughts on this before I could articulate them.


This also indicates why my choice for an avatar is a yellow cartoon man who is identified as a well meaning, bumbling drunk.


And now, my thoughs...


I am a proponent of free speech.


No one is forcing any reader to visit this forum. There is an option to turn off the avatars.


However, the question was posed by the owner of the said avatar.


I concur with Ben and Willie on this, and I think that ClarkW put it best in his eloquent post above.


If you have to ask the question of the appropriateness of your avatar, have you not already answered the question?

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I considered asking you to change it when you started posting with it. That thing hangs on a very fine line between interesting and inappropriate. And let's be clear - she's not dancing. And she looks like she's under age, which is probably the part that bothers me most. But like I say, this is a public place, and I'm not technically in charge.


I agree with ClarkW about civilization retaining some levels of decency (was that what he said :confused: ).


I think it's rude to some of the women (even if some won't care). And that makes it rude all around.


And I agree with Jeremy.


Since you asked, I'd like you to change it. I have no power to make you do so.


AndyJ, please change your "cleavage" avatar as well.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Perhaps if I said that BenLoy's pseudo-motion avatar caused my vertigo to reappear.


Maybe I have an aversion to the color blue and it sets off psychotic tendencies.


If any avatar bothers you for any reason, you can always go into your profile and hide them and never have to worry about it, unless you like to bitch and moan.

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Hey Guys


I personally like RSM's avatar, the lady in question is fully clothed and dancing, I didnt realise there was an age limit on dancing.

There are far more offensive posts and avatars on this forum that have gone uncensored,Minors do read.

LOOK HONEY, SEE THE LADY DANCING TO ROCKSYNTHMAN'S FUNKY DANCE RHYTHMS or turn off the Avatars, just about sums it up. I think we need to build a bridge and get over it. :thu:

"The Blues is the Roots, and the rest is the Fruits"


Willie Dixon

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