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Funkin' things up in NYC: The Chi-town-Big Apple connexion

_Sweet Willie_

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It's taken me a few weeks, but I've got some shots up on my Yahoo Photo thingy.




Once again, thanks to Willie for making the trip, and to all the folks for coming out and making it a cool day!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I do rather enjoy how willy looks in that picture with Ben where he is moving his hand. Quite a funny expression on his face.
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Hey Guys

Nice Pics, Not at all how I pictured you :D

The NYC,Chi Town connexion takes over Guitar Center.

Willie are you still shopping for that boutique bass under the guise of all this frivolity :)

"The Blues is the Roots, and the rest is the Fruits"


Willie Dixon

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Hedonistic, unbridled, unabashed debauchery!!! :D


TC, thanks for posting pics. Nice to have the reminder of a great afternoon. :thu:


What the heck am I doing in that one pic with Ben?! :confused: I was probably shaking my hand to cool it after touching Ben while he was playing...he was smokin'! :eek:


Yup, lowfreq, I'm on the path of that boutique fish despite all the frivolity. More on that at a later date on another thread... ;)


Now all we need are Maury's and wraub's pics.


Yo, Sharif, if you're lurking, come and join the party, man.


Peace. :cool:




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

(My apologies to others of you in the NYC area, but I felt like I could only handle meeting a few folks at a time. I do look forward to meeting more of you, though, in the future.)

Apology accepted. See you next time! :wave:
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Originally posted by Fred the bass player:

See you next time! :wave:

Perhaps in a month or two?
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