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The last straw.


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Not again! I can't believe this, i really can't!


Those of you who've been around a while may remember some of the problems I've been having with an Ampeg SVT3 pro I bought in June 2002. Well tonight was my first rehearsal with this thing since I dropped it into a local music shop for a second opinion on a slight distorting noise.


Yes, it's away again, I'm so raging, so tired of this thing breaking, crackling, distorting!! The thing just died during a pretty mellow song, I wasn't even pushing it.


I trouble shot everything I could, luckily I had a Peavey combo sitting in the rehearsal room. In the end I plugged the Ampegs pre-amp into the Peavey power-amp and played through that. The Peavey doesn't have an out jack from the power-amp that would allow me to test my Ampeg 1 by 15 cab.


I'm assuming it's the power-amp on account of how the sound died tonight. Basically there was no sound for a while, I fiddled with the jack going into my guitar, realised that wasn't the problem! Then tried the jack going into the amp...same thing. I played on for a few more seconds, the sound returned, then died. A cab wouldn't die that way would it?


I'll bring the cab down to my local music store this weekend. If I assume right and it's the power-amp of the SVT, I may just give up on this model/company. The amp of mine (purchased from England) has had countless problems. The first I bought died unexplainedly (sp). The current (second) has crossed the Irish sea at least twice in the last year. I asked for a refund, I was refused after the retailer had the amp tested by their distribution/engineering dept.


This whole episode of blame them, blame me, has really wore me out. I bought a pricey (for me) amp because I wanted good tone and reliability. I struggle to pay the bank loan that bought this amp, if I do get a refund (which consumer rights deem I should) I don't know what to get. When working the SVT3 is MY amp! Pure bliss.


What should I do?


Thanks for reading and letting me vent.

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Been there and it sucks. Highly unlikely it's the cab. Sounds like your local service sucks bigtime, and like the buck is being passed too. I'd write all the way to the top and forget the people who have failed to deliver, documenting all that's happened. Copies of reciepts, dates, threads in these forums, etc.


Hopefully someone will stp up to the plate and make it right. In the meantime, work on plan B. It's always good to have a Plan B, which seems to rhyme with Peavey.

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Thanks GB! I figured it wasn't the cab due to the dying "sensation". I've searched everywhere possible on "reliability" on SVT's, and the only thing I can find is the noisy fan complaint, which I've experienced myself. Barr that, this brand/model win points all over the show!


You're right on the service side, I think the transit side of things has diminshed their enthusiasm a tad. It costs £20 one way. I've paid it (before my patience FINALLY run out) they've paid it, under duress , and the last person I wanna see benefit out of this is a lawyer!


If they don't bite and accept their gaurantee's as an Ampeg dealer (5 year warranty), I'll have to go legal!


Anybody know Ampeg's world wide record on consumer service?


Anyone know of a suitable amp around this price tag (£1000) ? (available in the U.K?)




P.S the Peavey sounds great with the Ampeg-Pre. The speaker copes well, but I do miss the power-amp...

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Sorry to hear about all your troubles.

Thats about $1400 - $1500 right?

I have had very good luck with SWR. I had a Redhead combo that was great (sold it to by a bike frame), and now I have a 350 redface (basically the same amp, sans the speakers). I bought them both used and never had a problem with either.

In the states a SWR 350x will be well under $1400 (I think you can get them new for about $750?)and would be comparable in power to the SVT 3 Pro.

What about Ashdown, or Warwick? They any good?

"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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A friend of mine just picked up an SWR 750X and 4*10 (Goliath). Awesome sound. Loud as all get out. All for under $2000 (US).


Now for the kicker.....


Wait for it, wait for it.....


He is a 100% Newbie. Never played before in his life. Just decided he wanted to learn and asked another bass playin' pal 'O mine what he would really like to have. And then bought it. I hope he likes playing because I can't afford to buy all that gear off of him if he doesn't... and the deal would be too sweet to pass up.

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Originally posted by CupMcMali:

Anyone know of a suitable amp around this price tag (£1000) ? (available in the U.K?)

You're probably not feeling daring right now, on account of all the nightmares you've had with the Ampeg. However, if I were you I'd get something off ebay USA. You could even buy Bump's (if that kind gentleman is willing to ship to the other side of the world!) Ashdown preamp and Mackie power amp - it'll completely wipe the floor with the Ampeg and even with shipping (up to $200) and import tax (about 20%) should be within your budget.



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CupMcMali : Yes, that su**s! Based on your description I'd agree that you had an accident with your power amp section, but the "fading" or draining indicates problems with your output filter capacitors, which are probably electrolytic and tend to dry out every 2-3 years.


Sometimes a company doesn't test their components prior to installation because they figure they'll catch it later during the final tests. Not true with capacitors, they only misperform during heat/high voltage applications, then they can "heal themselves" once they cool down. That's not that hard for a repair person to do if he knows how to test amp components under full power loads for more than 30 minutes.


But that's not the real problem; the problem is your local "Ampeg-endorsed" repair person isn't doing that good of a job. Next step is to climb up the Ampeg ladder and speak to someone who understands there are laws against fraudulent statements on warranties and on only having one repair center to take the amp to. I'm not familiar with UK laws, but I'd say you can draft a letter to Ampeg USA, copy that to a consumer affairs dept. in your country, and ask them for another place to send the amp to.


You may be required to ship the amp out somewhere, but given the negligence in the way Ampeg has dealt with you, plus the implied threat that you may post this on forums worldwide about Ampeg's negligence, and I'd be willing to wager that Ampeg would offer you a replacement amp, which would be worth the cost of shipping.


Again, I'm no authority on international law, but what company wouldn't ship a new product to a customer who can potentially damage their reputation through the Internet? I wouldn't.


I'd also consider a write/post campaign to have Ampeg designate another repair center than the one you've been going to.


Let us know what happens next. :wave:

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That really is a bummer! Sorry to hear about those kinds of woes, because I know how they can eat away at you and distract form the joys of music and performance. Nothing worse than getting the tone and power you have always wanted, and then not having the gear live up reliability-wise.


You may want to consider Eden gear in the future. I find it rivals or betters Ampeg in the tone department, and rivals SWR and GK for power, punch, and reliability.

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Originally posted by Fred the bass player:

CupMcMali : Yes, that su**s! Based on your description I'd agree that you had an accident with your power amp section, but the "fading" or draining indicates problems with your output filter capacitors, which are probably electrolytic and tend to dry out every 2-3 years.


Sometimes a company doesn't test their components prior to installation because they figure they'll catch it later during the final tests. Not true with capacitors, they only misperform during heat/high voltage applications, then they can "heal themselves" once they cool down. That's not that hard for a repair person to do if he knows how to test amp components under full power loads for more than 30 minutes.


But that's not the real problem; the problem is your local "Ampeg-endorsed" repair person isn't doing that good of a job. Next step is to climb up the Ampeg ladder and speak to someone who understands there are laws against fraudulent statements on warranties and on only having one repair center to take the amp to. I'm not familiar with UK laws, but I'd say you can draft a letter to Ampeg USA, copy that to a consumer affairs dept. in your country, and ask them for another place to send the amp to.


You may be required to ship the amp out somewhere, but given the negligence in the way Ampeg has dealt with you, plus the implied threat that you may post this on forums worldwide about Ampeg's negligence, and I'd be willing to wager that Ampeg would offer you a replacement amp, which would be worth the cost of shipping.


Again, I'm no authority on international law, but what company wouldn't ship a new product to a customer who can potentially damage their reputation through the Internet? I wouldn't.


I'd also consider a write/post campaign to have Ampeg designate another repair center than the one you've been going to.


Let us know what happens next. :wave:

Real good advice Fred, thanks! For most of my working life, I've been in retail, I know my rights. Unfortunately when it comes to speaking with people who know products, figures, etc, I fall down terribly. This is my first tube amp,I'm unsure how it should act, but I know it shouldn't black out!
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Originally posted by Edendude:

That really is a bummer! Sorry to hear about those kinds of woes, because I know how they can eat away at you and distract form the joys of music and performance. Nothing worse than getting the tone and power you have always wanted, and then not having the gear live up reliability-wise.


You may want to consider Eden gear in the future. I find it rivals or betters Ampeg in the tone department, and rivals SWR and GK for power, punch, and reliability.

Edendude you've hit the nail on the head...I felt like trashing my bass and amp last night! I expect certain luxuries when I spend a certain amount of cash, like reliability!


Ohh, and if Eden can beat Ampeg on tone, for this price? Count me in!


First off, I've to identify the problem.


Thanks folks! Anyone ever claimed on an extended warranty a few years into it's existance? I'd love to know!



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Originally posted by C.Alexander Claber:

Originally posted by CupMcMali:

Anyone know of a suitable amp around this price tag (£1000) ? (available in the U.K?)

You're probably not feeling daring right now, on account of all the nightmares you've had with the Ampeg. However, if I were you I'd get something off ebay USA. You could even buy Bump's (if that kind gentleman is willing to ship to the other side of the world!) Ashdown preamp and Mackie power amp - it'll completely wipe the floor with the Ampeg and even with shipping (up to $200) and import tax (about 20%) should be within your budget.



Thanks for the info Alex! I'm a technophobe, so seperate power/pre confuses me. I take it they just sit on top of one another in the rack? And do the same job as a dual head.#


I trust Bump more than my retailer at the moment, but first I have to get a refund before I think about replacements.


Ohh, and shipping tax CAN be forgot about if the money transaction takes place on the sly, and the goods are shipped as a "gift" ;)



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It could be your cab. pull the speakers out and check the wires going from connectors to the cone. Could be some faulty soildering and the vibrations could be cousing a short.
Rock-n-roll junkie
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There isn't a brand of equipment that doesn't have problems. That includes EDEN BTW ; }


Sounds like the real problem in the UK from this thread and others is distributors and repair chains. OF course you run into this in the US too - and I have. Then you do battle as Fred and I have suggested above. It isn't always fun, but sometimes it can be if you get fired up, and have backup to use in the meantime.

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Originally posted by CupMcMali:

I'm a technophobe, so seperate power/pre confuses me. I take it they just sit on top of one another in the rack? And do the same job as a dual head.

It's dead simple - preamp and power amp both live in the the rack (a 4U in my case because I succumbed to the flashy lights on rackmount tuners), connected to a multi-way socket (I use a 4-way so I have an extra socket for the tuner and another for the power lead to my FX board) with a nice big extension lead. Preamp stays permanently connected to power amp with XLR lead (or sometimes 1/4" lead).


The only difference once they're installed in the rack is that it's a bit bulkier and heavy than a head, but it's not much compared to most non-ultralight cabs and the tone and power is well worth it!


When you arive at a gig, remove the front and rear doors, plug the extension lead into the mains, plug the speaker lead(s) into your cab(s), and plug your bass into the preamp. Sorted.


Originally posted by CupMcMali:

Ohh, and shipping tax CAN be forgot about if the money transaction takes place on the sly, and the goods are shipped as a "gift" ;)

Shhhh... (Or your brother gets to bring it back in his suitcase, almost causing a number of bomb scares...)



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Gotta say that REAL power amps can be much more reliable than what's often in heads for the output stage. partly because power amps seem to deal more gracefully with shoddy outlet supply, partly because the better ones have extensive protection designed in for shorts and thermal faults.


And I doubt there is as much fudging on output RMS specs - though heads often will operate at pretty high THD to cover up that there's less clean power than advertised. If you like that sound but you want to use a REAL power amp, you DO want a preamp that can overdrive at least slightly. Then it's a match made in heaven.

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I feel your pain. My SVT4 recently died on me (in a quite spectacular manner involving flashing lights and smoke). It's not the first time it's happened with this amp. Local ampeg service centers were unable to fix the last problem I had and I had to ship my amp back to get it repaired. I'm never buying Ampeg again.


Jonathan Sikes

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yeah cup, i remember this situation sucking from the original thread. sorry to hear that you're not doing anything but treading water in this situation. first and foremost demand a refund. if they say no and you'd rather not hire a lawyercontact ampeg directly. i'm sure the vendor would rather refund your purchase than get some kind of backlash from ampeg.


don't let a shitty retailer spoil you to a great amp. if the AMP has spoiled you to ampeg, try an aguilar. i was an ampeg loyalist for years but an aguilar turned my head.

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Originally posted by   :

Why Aguilar? He's got something in the neighborhood pricewise and sonically already. Ashdown.

Exactly what I was thinking.... and closer in price than Ag.


Cup - hope the situation improves for ya.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Thanks a lot guys for all your advice and concern. I'll drop the cab into my local shop tomorrow, after that the retailer will get a bit of phone angst. I'm not going to cower away or accept anything less than a refund!


I'll keep you posted.





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Fred's right, Cup. After dropping that sort of cash on a new Ampeg with warranty, you should be blissed out with it. That's the deal. They get your money, you get an awesome amp. If the amp begins acting up in a less-than-awesome way, most particularly in a professional situation, they should fix or replace the amp to your satisfaction. I'm in retail myself, and I regularly win new customers by helping solve their issues with some of our vendors, even though they didn't shop at my store originally. You know why? Your warranty is not an agreement with the store, but with Ampeg. Under the agreements we enter with our vendors in my business, we are required to service customers with warranty issues whether they bought the product from us or not. I take business away from lesser, two-bit operations this way all the time. I would imagine that your local music store, by virtue of their account with Ampeg, is similarly required, especially since you are their customer as well.


Bottom line?

1) Contact Ampeg, like everyone has said, and let them know not only the problem with the amp, but especially your problems with the retailer, and even with individual salespeople. You are right, they are wrong, and it is incumbent upon Ampeg and the store to make it right.


2) If, and only if, you have exhausted your patience by being a nice guy and understanding of this problem, go to the store, find the manager, crawl directly up his ass, and build a house in there until he makes you happy with your purchase. Tell him in no uncertain terms that goddammit, I spent my hard earned dough on this fuckin' thing, and I make a living with it, and I expect the fucker to work because it is not a toy I play with but a tool that I use at my job, and YOU'RE going to fix it, because that's the deal, and I have it in writing. You always catch more flies with molasses than vinegar, and usually you can get your problems solved by being a nice guy and just asking their help. If the molasses angle isn't getting you anywhere, just go in and start asking loud questions such as, "What kinda fuckin' store is this, anyway? Such an approach is only effective if it's your third or fourth trip over the same issue. Up until then, be nice. If you still have a problem, embarass them in front of their other customers. That makes it their problem, because now they are risking not only your business, but everyone within the sound of your voice. Make sure everyone shopping in the store knows the whole story.


3) If you get nowhere with this approach, find another Ampeg dealer within driving distance. If they are worthy of their account with Ampeg, they will help you solve your problem, and you may end up making a new relationship with another retailermore deserving of your business.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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ashdown, true. my recommendation was based on the fact that i've tried an aguilar and loved it and i'm serioulsy considering buying one as opposed to another ampeg. love 'em. great amps. i've got no experience with ashdown. so my $0.02 (USD) was the aggie.
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Ashdown make good amps, sound brilliant and i've not heard any complaints about them (i could be wrong just check it out) but i'd definately go for an ashdown.


"i must've wrote 30 songs the first weekend i met my true love ... then she died and i got stuck with this b****" - Father of the Pride
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hopefully you will get satisfaction. Then, no reson to look at other stuff. Though I don't have an Ampeg head, I fully appreciate their great tone shaping and personality.


But if you find yourself looking, that new Peavy 1600-watt beast might end up being affordable, yeah? ; }

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, to follow up...I left my cab into my local shop thinking that it was definitely the head, the tech in the store tested the cab and it was dead. He tested ot with a jack with some sort of monitor on the end.


He asked what I would like to do, and to be honest, I don't really know. Maybe all these problems all alomg have been with the cab. I've had the head sent over to England a lot of times, but never the cab. (Due to the fact that I was told there was nothing wrong with the cab) Plus shipping costs a bomb...the cab bill would kill me.


If it is user error, I won't have a leg to stand on. But maybe if the head is faulty it could have put undue stress on the cab.


This can of worms seems unlikely to go away. Any advice, again?



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