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Winter NAMM

_Sweet Willie_

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CRAP! I just got a thing in the mail from the Recording Academy with a complimentary NAMM badge VIP registration for current members...if I'd-a known I would have made plans ahead of time. Now it's a bit late and expensive to get my butt down there. Maybe next year. :cry:
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Originally posted by LizzyD:

CRAP! I just got a thing in the mail from the Recording Academy with a complimentary NAMM badge VIP registration for current members...if I'd-a known I would have made plans ahead of time. Now it's a bit late and expensive to get my butt down there. Maybe next year. :cry:

I know this guy named Brian who would love to use that... Those Recording Academy bastards still haven't sent me anything in the mail from that deal in December. Perhaps they're trying to tell me something? :D
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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

I know this guy named Brian who would love to use that...

That's funny, I also know a guy named Brian who's been looking for one of those NAMM badges. He lives not too far from Bass Northwest and has been known to favor Lull basses. Same guy? :confused:





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

Originally posted by Bumpcity:

I know this guy named Brian who would love to use that...

That's funny, I also know a guy named Brian who's been looking for one of those NAMM badges. He lives not too far from Bass Northwest and has been known to favor Lull basses. Same guy? :confused:



I'd pass it on, but you have to show your currently active member card to get the badge, NO EXCEPTIONS they say.


B-Naz, why doncha just go down to the office and join up? You have the credentials. I dunno if they'd get your card to you before next weekend though.

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Originally posted by LizzyD:


OK, I gotta admit that this made me laugh because of the clip I downloaded of Bumpcity playing at Penn's b-day bash. When Travis is introducing the band at the end of the set it really sounds like he introduces his bassin' Bumpness as...well... nevermind... :P:D:D:D



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Any other NAMM goers or folks w/ NAMM product foresight?


Is NAMM at risk of spontaneous combustion because of all the GAS that's concentrated and generated in a single area? ;) Or is it safe as long as no one lights a match or overheats a power amp? ;)


Wally, it's nice to hear that you're formally associated w/ BassQuake. There couldn't be a nicer fellah helping out with that! :thu: (By the way, how's "Bassed on Jazz" doing these days?)






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

Originally posted by LizzyD:


OK, I gotta admit that this made me laugh because of the clip I downloaded of Bumpcity playing at Penn's b-day bash. When Travis is introducing the band at the end of the set it really sounds like he introduces his bassin' Bumpness as...well... nevermind... :P:D:D:D
Well...yes, we asked him about that and he cleared it up for us...it's SPELLED "B-Naz" but it's PRONOUNCED...uh, well...nevermind! :D:P
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Originally posted by LizzyD:

Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

Originally posted by LizzyD:


OK, I gotta admit that this made me laugh because of the clip I downloaded of Bumpcity playing at Penn's b-day bash. When Travis is introducing the band at the end of the set it really sounds like he introduces his bassin' Bumpness as...well... nevermind... :P:D:D:D
Well...yes, we asked him about that and he cleared it up for us...it's SPELLED "B-Naz" but it's PRONOUNCED...uh, well...nevermind! :D:P
Heeeey.... :D It does sound like he says something else, doesn't it?
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Hey guys,


I'll be walking the floor at the show along with my colleagues Jonathan Herrera & Greg Olwell. Stop & chat if you see us; we love hearing what you love and hate about BP. You might also find us at the Music Player booth, which is 5810; I should be there for an hour or so Thursday and Friday around 3 or 4.


Hope to see you there!


Bill Leigh

Editor in Chief

Bass Player

Bill Leigh, Editor in Chief


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Originally posted by Bill Leigh:

Hey guys,


I'll be walking the floor at the show along with my colleagues Jonathan Herrera & Greg Olwell. Stop & chat if you see us; we love hearing what you love and hate about BP. You might also find us at the Music Player booth, which is 5810; I should be there for an hour or so Thursday and Friday around 3 or 4.


Hope to see you there!


Bill Leigh

Editor in Chief

Bass Player

Bill, will you be able to make it by the BassQuake NAMM Summit on Thursday evening?



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

Wally, it's nice to hear that you're formally associated w/ BassQuake. There couldn't be a nicer fellah helping out with that! :thu: (By the way, how's "Bassed on Jazz" doing these days?)




We'll most likely start getting together late February. My schedule has been pretty hectic lately. Most of the gigs we have played are outdoors, so we have a little time before the season kicks in. Since I'm part of the BassQuake team we may do some clinics in the future. We could have performed at the BassQuake NAMM Summit but the scheduling didn't work out this time. I'm hoping this year that we get to play some of the Market St. Assoc. gigs in San Francisco. I'll be talking to the coordinator of that series soon.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Thanks for the update, Wally! :thu:


I'm hoping to be in your area again this summer, and maybe I'll be able to catch a Bassed on Jazz gig this time.


Also, NAMM-goers, if you have a moment to swing by Carey Nordstrand's booth, please do. I'd like to get your impressions of his instruments. I know that Adrian sells Nordstrand basses and totally digs them; he and I have communicated about them already. However, I'd still like to hear what others have to say. Nordstrand is certainly the luthier whose work gives me the most GAS these days.


Peace. :cool:




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Wally Malone:

Bill, will you be able to make it by the BassQuake NAMM Summit on Thursday evening?



I'm committed to attending our sister magazine Guitar Player's event at the Hilton (Satriani, Vai, Vernon Reid, George Lynch, Scofield, Kaki King & many others) but I hope to be able to sneak away for a bit and come check out the 'Quake.



Bill Leigh, Editor in Chief


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Originally admitted by Bill Leigh:

I'm committed to attending our sister magazine Guitar Player's event at the Hilton

Traitor!!! :mad:


(Just jerkin' your chain for a second, Bill!) :D:D:D


Anyone willing to commit to test driving a Nordstrand 5-string for me? :(



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Man! all this talk about NAMM and I am getting really sad! i cannot go this year because i have gigs all week that i cannot sub out from. I keep telling myself tha'ts the whole point, be glad i have the gigs, and I am, but I am really going to miss NAMM.. especially since I am picking up Ken Lawrence basses and the first one will be there.. and the new Accugroove cabs, and Georgie Porgie will have an F Bass booth, .. and a chance to check out Adam Nitti and i hear that Trip guy really sucks!!! :rolleyes:

Have fun, all those attending.. the rest of us... I feel your pain.

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Originally posted by Bill Leigh:

Originally posted by Wally Malone:

Bill, will you be able to make it by the BassQuake NAMM Summit on Thursday evening?



I'm committed to attending our sister magazine Guitar Player's event at the Hilton (Satriani, Vai, Vernon Reid, George Lynch, Scofield, Kaki King & many others) but I hope to be able to sneak away for a bit and come check out the 'Quake.



Bill, if you don't make it to the BQ event I'll look for you on the NAMM floor since Friday & Saturday I'll be getting my needed exercise.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Man! all this talk about NAMM and I am getting really sad! i cannot go this year because i have gigs all week that i cannot sub out from. I keep telling myself tha'ts the whole point, be glad i have the gigs, and I am, but I am really going to miss NAMM.. especially since I am picking up Ken Lawrence basses and the first one will be there.. and the new Accugroove cabs, and Georgie Porgie will have an F Bass booth, .. and a chance to check out Adam Nitti and i hear that Trip guy really sucks!!! :rolleyes:

Have fun, all those attending.. the rest of us... I feel your pain.

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Originally posted by bassaddik:

Man! all this talk about NAMM and I am getting really sad! i cannot go this year because i have gigs all week that i cannot sub out from. I keep telling myself tha'ts the whole point, be glad i have the gigs, and I am, but I am really going to miss NAMM.. especially since I am picking up Ken Lawrence basses and the first one will be there.. and the new Accugroove cabs, and Georgie Porgie will have an F Bass booth, .. and a chance to check out Adam Nitti and i hear that Trip guy really sucks!!! :rolleyes:

Have fun, all those attending.. the rest of us... I feel your pain.

Adrian, sorry you can't make it. One thing that is great these days is that through the web there are a lot of reports from the players' perspective that go beyond the press releases sent out by the companies. One of these days will catch up with each other, since I missed the opportunity, due to my scheduling, when I was in Vegas last summer.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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How'd the BassQuake NAMM Summit go last night?


Anyone on the board attend it (besides Wally, of course)?


Wally often doesn't post here when he's away from home, so perhaps someone else can jump in w/ some bass-ic comments about BassQuake or NAMM.





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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The BassQuake NAMM Bass Summit was a huge success. We had a full house. I've seen Steve Lawson a handful of times and must say that he was on top of his game that night. Steve is a master of looping. He was followed by Trip Wamsley who always amazes me with the chops he has playing while singing. Greta Brinkman rocked. She played with tracks. She plays left-handed and must say she was real solid and relaxed doing her thing. This was my first time seeing and hearing Jake Kot. I was totally blown away by his chordal concepts. He used detuners on his two high strings that takes them down a half-step making for some very interesting voicings. Brian Bromberg was incredible. He did some numbers on piccolo bass as well. He's working on an album that is going to be more rock oriented, he played a one piece "Carlos" that had a Santana vibe to it. Another first for me was hearing Adam Nitti. Now I know why others rave about him. The man has so much chops and musicality and on top of that is a great human being. Hearing all these great players that night sure makes me want to add to my CD collection. Most of my time at the NAMM show itself was spent on business for BassQuake but I'll post later on a few of the pieces of gear I did get to play.
I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Hey Whappo,


Were your new products well received?

Was your attention as a bass player grabbed by any products at NAMM that you think we should know about?

Did Lawson use the powered 10" cab(s) for his BassQuake performance?


I would expect that Wally would be a fine emcee! Hopefully next year Bassed on Jazz will play at the event!






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I just left the NAMM website. The summer 2005 show will be in Indianapolis. I was born and raised there! Looks like it will be about time to visit the folks. :thu:


What do I have to do to join NAMM?

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Were your new products well received?

Was your attention as a bass player grabbed by any products at NAMM that you think we should know about? Did Lawson use the powered 10" cab(s) for his BassQuake performance?

1. Absolutely. Alan Caron, Tim Landers, David Dyson, T.M Stevens & many more (that I can't mention because of endorsements) were blown completely away; especially our new lightweight 2x10, 1x10 & 1x12 cabs.


2. Couldn't really get out of the booth to check things out. I did see (& even played some) amazing, Conklin, Nordstrand, Alder, Ambush, F Bass, Bee, Barker, Brubaker & Ritter basses. It was frustrating because Benavente was around the corner & although we had some nice talks, I was both to busy to play one of his beautiful basses.


3. Steve did not use his powered cabs do to not getting the amps in time for the show. He did use the new Tri 210L cabs (57 lbs. & 600 watts) at BassQuake & is touring with the new Tri 110L cabs (34 lbs. & 300 watts) right now.




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