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OT -- Who's sick?

_Sweet Willie_

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Well, Maury recently indicated that he was doin' some TheraFlu. I was home all last week taking care of my sick son. Now he's better and I'm sick. :( Friggin' sucks! (See, Father Gino, I support the use of "sucks" in the right circumstances! ;) )


With all the buzz about mad flu going around, I wondered who else was sick?



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I'm sittin at home tonight instead of going to see one of my friend's band play on the account of sickness. Head is all crazy and my chest is all tight and i have a pretty nice cough. So yea, I'm sick too.
"Cliff Burton (the "Major rager of the 4-string mother f***er", from Metallica)" Direct quote from Wikipedia (censored out of respect for the forum)
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I've been sick since shortly after Thanksgiving. Was able to sleep in the last two days but don't seem to be getting any better. Of course I got sick right before last weekend when I had three gigs and then a full work week with the other officer of the local on vacation, I had to open up every morning. Same routine this week starting out with a twelve hour Monday. Hope I feel better by the end of the week, four gigs starting on Friday.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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i've had a cold for as long as i can remember. the seven day work week doesn't help, but that's the price of running a business. the plus side is i've been healthy enough to cover for all the people who've been "sick enough to stay home." :mad:
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It is everywhere!! If I can just make it through this last week of school I should be fine because then I won't be around anyone (save family) for the Christmas break.


I got sick early this year twice in October and mid November, hopefully that is enough for one Winter/Fall.



Still working on it...

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3 of the 6 in my house have been sick...son and granddaughter really bad attack of the flu.


Lot's of students missing lots of school because of the flu.


I've been fortunate this time around, so far. I've either played through it, or haven't gotten it.


Kinda scary. I'll get a couple weeks off at Christmas, and maybe have to spend it in bed...with the flu!

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Well, I've been bitten, yet again, by a spider and it has me a little under the weather. This marks the 35th time in just under 2 years that I've been bitten by a brown recluse spider. We found a nest in our house and thought we killed it. Apparantly there are a few stragglers.


Anyway, the sypmtoms are very flu-like. I have a fever, congestion and feel like ass. Then there's the deal with the necrotid tissue that's liquifying just beneath the skin. My arm swelled almost half again as big. It is very painful. I am taking the strongest antibiotics known to man. I have nearly died twice from these buggers. This one is a small one. Other than that, I've been fighting the sniffles for a while, but nothing serious. It's not causing me to miss work because there is no work to miss.


But, I'm doing very well. I can still play the bass and play with my dog, so life isn't all bad. And I look around and see so many people so far worse off than I am, so I don't complain.

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Originally posted by cornbread:

[QB] This marks the 35th time in just under 2 years that I've been bitten by a brown recluse spider. [QB]

Methinks its time to move, Mr. Arachnid snack.


The flu has struck here, too. Not me yet, but it certainly is affecting me as I have to cover shifts left open by sickly employees... I feel your pain, flyscots...



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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I've been dealing with a sore throat, congestion, fever, body aches, and a little painful coughing. I should be almost over it. The only thing I worry about is my daughter catching it. All the hysteria in the paper about this flu season makes me overly worried. *just got a call that my daughter isn't feeling well. :(
"Don't Ask Me I'm Just The Bassplayer" UBP
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I see that I'm in good company! ;)


I'm feeling a bit better today, but still have a low fever, blowing my nose with regularity, and have a cough. Don't have the aches and chills though that I had last night (a fitful night of sleep -- ugh).


I'm missing my daughter's 7th birthday party today so that I don't get her pals sick. At least her actual birthday isn't until Thursday, so I can attempt to redeem myself. She's taking it well, though.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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The flu is running rampant in my circle of friends and aquaintances, too. The drummer and I are the only two in my band who haven't got it...yet. Maybe I've just got a strong constitution, but I rarely get the creeping crud that seems to float around every year about this time. My girlfriend has had it come and go already. She's a nurse at a local hospital and says that they've been running extremely short staffed due to the staff being sick. Several schools around here have closed because of high absenteeism. It just seems to be a bad year for tha flu bug...


Get well, y'all.

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My old boss essentially asked me the same question. I didn't show up for work, and he called, so I told him I was sick.


He asked, "How sick are you?"


I said, "Well, I like to f*** my dog in the a**. Is that sick enough for you?"


...and I never went to work there again.....


God, I love that joke.


Other than that, I'm feeling great. Of course, after saying that, I'll probably he hard down tomorrow.


Seriously, with this flu running around, my girlfriend and I are taking precautions, like washing our hands more often, etc. This thing seems to be taking it's toll on alot of people.


I hope your and yours get better soon.

Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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Well, I've been bitten, yet again, by a spider and it has me a little under the weather. This marks the 35th time in just under 2 years that I've been bitten by a brown recluse spider. We found a nest in our house and thought we killed it. Apparantly there are a few stragglers.


Anyway, the sypmtoms are very flu-like. I have a fever, congestion and feel like ass. Then there's the deal with the necrotid tissue that's liquifying just beneath the skin. My arm swelled almost half again as big. It is very painful. I am taking the strongest antibiotics known to man. I have nearly died twice from these buggers. This one is a small one. Other than that, I've been fighting the sniffles for a while, but nothing serious. It's not causing me to miss work because there is no work to miss.


But, I'm doing very well. I can still play the bass and play with my dog, so life isn't all bad. And I look around and see so many people so far worse off than I am, so I don't complain.

35 times and still getting sick?? wow man, your immune system must be pretty bad to not developed an immunity to that stuff yet!


have you tried hitting the spiders with a slipper? :idea::D

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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cornbread,burn the house down .


as for me being sick yes ,the wife and kids came to see me for thanksgiving,and they brought the sickness with them and ive had a cold ever since

Rock-n-roll junkie
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Here in Canada it seems the majority of people who have really suffered, or even died, from the flu had in fact gotten the flu shot. I avoid the shot like the plague itself, and I figure I will take my chances to see if I catch it (instead of having it given to me, no matter how small a dose of it they use).


At present I have my typical pre-holiday cold, with accompanying cough, and found the weekend's gig tough to handle - vocals while fighting for breath are never easy to produce, and even tougher when fighting off the cough urge in front of a microphone and audience.


No wonder I am....


the Grump

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Wow, I have returned and survived a stomach flu.


I felt under the weather on Friday morning, but by Friday afternoon, it was all over. I rushed home and was in bed at approximately 6 PM on Friday night. I hurled my lunch, and laid in bed until Sunday at 11 AM. I drank about 2 gallons of water during that period and STILL lost about 5 lbs. of body weight. It's the most ill I have been since I was very young.


I can't imagine a child going through that, or being a parent and having to watch a child go through that. This bug is nasty.


I hope everyone stays healthy!

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Originally posted by Grumpyoldman:

...I avoid the shot like the plague itself...

Grump - I lost track of how many levels that statement has... I'm still laughing.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I hear ya grump, the sickest I've been the last few years was the year I had a shot. This time around I was thinking maybe it would be prudent to have one as I get them free from my employer, but elected not to. Whatever I'm just getting over was just a touch of what others have had, hopefully the rest of my family does'nt get it...especially the kids.
Donnie Peterson
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I slept thru the night without waking up...no chills, no sweats, no hacking cough! Hallelujah!


No fever when I woke up! Yee-haw!


Now I'm still gonna take it easy today and keep drinking lots of fluids, but I think the worst of it is truly behind me.


Wishing the best to the rest of my bass brethren in the throes of illness.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Outside of the usual sinus sniffles, I am well. 4 people who work around me are out sick today.


I also avoid the flu shot. Got one in college and spent the next two days with the worst case of flu I have ever had. That was over 10 years ago, and people keep reassuring me that the new shots are different. Doesn't matter, I haven't had the flu since I got it from the shot.


The best health tip ever: Wash your hands.

- Matt W.
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